Apache Hive is database/data warehouse software that supports data querying and analysis of large datasets stored in the Hadoop distributed file system (HDFS) and other compatible systems, and is distributed under an open source license.
Google BigQuery
Score 8.7 out of 10
Google's BigQuery is part of the Google Cloud Platform, a database-as-a-service (DBaaS) supporting the querying and rapid analysis of enterprise data.
per TiB (after the 1st 1 TiB per month, which is free)
Besides Hive, I have used Google BigQuery, which is costly but have very high computation speed. Amazon Redshift is the another product, I used in my recent organisation. Both Redshift and BigQuery are managed solution whereas Hive needs to be managed
I wasn't part of the evaluation process for Apache Hive. This was already implemented when I joined the company. I have worked with other big data plaftforms and I personally thinks most of them are quite comporable to one another. It really depends on what the company is going …
Other locally hosted solutions are capable of providing the required level of performance, but the administration requirements are significantly more involved than with BigQuery. Additionally, there are capacity and availability concerns with locally hosted platforms that are a …
Spinning up, provisioning, maintaining and debugging a Hadoop solution can be non-trivial, painful. I'm talking about both GCE based or HDInsight clusters. It requires expertise (+ employee hire, costs). With BigQuery if someone has a good SQL knowledge (and maybe a little …