AuditBoard is a cloud-based audit management software solution from the company of the same name in Cerritos.
Workday Financial Management
Score 8.2 out of 10
Workday Financial Management is built on a global foundation that provides organizations with the core financial management capabilities expected from a modern cloud solution. It goes well beyond just managing financial processes to achieve greater insight, improve financial consolidation and reduce time to close, instill internal control and auditability, and achieve consistency across global operations. By using an in-memory architecture and object data model,…
Auditboard is especially useful for SOX control testing. It is very convenient having all our information on a single platform. It is easy to communicate PBC requests to clients, store control testing working papers for review, communicate deficiencies and build dashboards to provide visual statistics. Situations where it might not be useful are for organizations that are smaller in size where the templates don't fit well with their internal audit/controls program. There is a significant amount of testing required before using the platform, and adapting working papers to fit in well with AuditBoard
Workday is well suited for managing employees throughout their full life cycle. It excels at housing employee data from the start of their time with the company through their departure. Workday is less suited to payroll functions, which could be more robust.
The flexibility of going beyond handling the accounts, where we can handle cash, assets, and accounting simultaneously for the customer.
The single platform offers grants management where you can organize the lifecycle of the grants and synchronize it with any criteria of grant closing out scheme.
I personally liked Project billing with the essence of evaluating project revenue and nice reporting templates that can be shared with the customer at any stage of the project while having the flexibility of auditing the reported cost.
We used to perform our Risk Control Analysis (RCA) for each audit's planning in an Excel spreadsheet. Once we purchased the Risk Oversight module, AuditBoard helped us convert the RCA to a system function rather than a spreadsheet. At first, we lost some of the functionality the spreadsheet provided, but AuditBoard did continue to help us build and work towards a solution more similar to what we previously had. Though happy with it, it's still not perfect. As one example, I'd like to be able to link actual Ops Audit work steps that cover the risk and controls being outlined in the RCA, rather than just adding a comment to state which steps cover them. More of a preference, I suppose.
I also had demoed their beta Resources and Scheduling module, but it didn't have enough functionality at the time to work for how we put the quarterly Internal Audit schedule together (using Excel). One thing I recall was that you couldn't pull in SOX controls or non-chargeable work (such as education or administration) to auditor's schedules; it was meant to schedule the Ops Audits only. It is possible they have already fixed or improved this; I just haven't seen the updated version.
Workday is easy enough navigate, as long as it is properly set up. With that said, it can be put together in a modular fashion as well, allowing for a very high degree of flexibility in terms of design and process delegation. Finally, it makes consolidation achievable in times previously unthinkable.
Our support team has been awesome. They are extremely knowledgeable and have been able to guide us through all of the challenges we have faced. Workday's community online is also extremely helpful with many trainings and help topics that can be reviewed at your convenience.
I remember there were a lot of sync issues when I used the internally developed software, but that's probably because a few people were working on the same project at the same time. I have not come across this issue in AuditBoard
Despite Airtable also being easier to use one thing that differentiates and put forth Workday Financial Management tool above is it's key features and better suited functionality for handling confidential data. The other positive note where Workday Financial Management performs high is it key analytics tool that's easier to use and representation of information into insightful dashboards.
Hard to quantify. It was cheaper than the tool we had and we were able to get rid of standalone tool for surveys. overall, just better user experience for all.
We were able to combine 4 different HR modules into one system.
We reduced data breach incidents by 95% after shifting to Workday. One of our legacy softwares had vulnerabilities.
The initial learning curve was higher than projected. We spent about a week to 10 days extra time deploying it, which affected the profit center that year.