BlueFish Editor vs. Notepad++

ProductRatingMost Used ByProduct SummaryStarting Price
BlueFish Editor
Score 8.0 out of 10
BlueFish is a free and open source text editor supporting a wide range of languages, multiple document interface, powerful search tools, in-line checking and auto-recovery, and other features.N/A
Score 9.1 out of 10
Notepad++ is a popular free and open source text editor available under the GPL license, featuring syntax highlighting and folding, auto-complete, multi-document management, and ac customizable GUI.N/A
BlueFish EditorNotepad++
Editions & Modules
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Pricing Offerings
BlueFish EditorNotepad++
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BlueFish EditorNotepad++
Considered Both Products
BlueFish Editor
Chose BlueFish Editor
BBEdit is fantastic but it costs money. Frankly, BBEdit is not worth paying for. All you are doing is paying old software and I have a problem asking people to do that. Also, BBEdit is limited to the small Mac Universe. Likewise, Notepadd++ is only found on Windows but I much …

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Top Pros
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Best Alternatives
BlueFish EditorNotepad++
Small Businesses
Score 8.4 out of 10
Score 8.4 out of 10
Medium-sized Companies
Score 9.3 out of 10
Score 9.3 out of 10
Score 9.3 out of 10
Score 9.3 out of 10
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User Ratings
BlueFish EditorNotepad++
Likelihood to Recommend
(2 ratings)
(61 ratings)
Likelihood to Renew
(0 ratings)
(1 ratings)
(0 ratings)
(3 ratings)
Support Rating
(1 ratings)
(15 ratings)
User Testimonials
BlueFish EditorNotepad++
Likelihood to Recommend
Open Source
BlueFish is a good basic HTML and text editor that is easy for all to use. If I need someone to grab a friendly editor, then BlueFish is the way to go. If you need an editor to fix a bunch of pages then this editor has a lot of functions that are not found it other editors. Stuff like HTML Tidy or functions that strip extra lines out.
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Open Source
well suited for 1) Coding and Development - Writing and editing code, Quick prototyping and testing of code snippets, Debugging and inspecting code using syntax highlighting and line numbering, 2) web development - Creating and editing HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other web-related files .Managing and organizing web projects with multiple files and directories. Not suited for - 1) processing huge files 2) graphic designing 3) complex gui designs 3) Data Analysis and Manipulation - Editing and cleaning up text-based data files before importing them into analytical tools. Applying regular expressions to extract, transform, and manipulate data. 4) System Administration and IT - change system configuration file
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Open Source
  • Easily found and downloaded. If I need someone to go to the web and grab it I can tell them the URL. It is easily installed and one can be edited in minutes.
  • BlueFish is easy to use. It can have a non-technical user use it to edit config files or text documents and not have them frustrated. It has a friendly straight forward user interface.
  • BlueFish does a really good job editing HTML documents specifically. Probably one of the best HTML editors left out there.
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Open Source
  • Notepad++ allows us to keep open files in tabs. Like in a web browser, these tabs let us access these files quickly and easily. Furthermore, even if we forget to save the files when closing the program or shutting down the PC, Notepad++ retains them in the open tabs when we reopen it.
  • Notepad++ supports many different file types. We usually save our files created in Notepad as normal text files, but sometimes as JSON, PHP, and HTML files.
  • Notepad++ is lightweight and requires little resources. Using it is snappy and responsive.
  • The developer of Notepad++ frequently updates the software with bug fixes, performance improvements and new features.
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Open Source
  • There are WYSIWYG Open alternatives, some of which work perfectly as an Open version of Dreamweaver, but the only suggestion I would have is that Bluefish add a WYSIWYG tab, e.g. code/visual.
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Open Source
  • UI looks a bit dated.
  • Sometimes the number of options are overwhelming and require a quick search to figure out where to locate a particular function.
  • Some way to do a diff between files would be great. Still need to resort to another paid app for that - unless it is a buried function I don't know about or there's a plugin for it.
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Likelihood to Renew
Open Source
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Open Source
I use it every day for 13 years already and it never disappointed me
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Open Source
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Open Source
Many of the features are not out of the box. We have install them separately
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Support Rating
Open Source
As with most GNU GPL products support is top-notch. Documentation is fantastic, all functions are documented. Also, this product has been around for more than a decade so there is lots of stuff on how to do this or that with this tool. The only thing holding you back from support is your own drive to find a solution. RTFM, my friend.
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Open Source
I haven't needed to utilize any support related to Notepad++. I guess this is a good thing because I found it to be quite intuitive. There are almost infinite features you can tweak and plugins you can download but I haven't had to do that because Notepad++ is really good right out of the box.
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Alternatives Considered
Open Source
Compare it to what I'd call its WYSIWYG editor, BlueGriffon. Again, the two are fundamentally different solutions. Use them together. Don't waste your money on Adobe or any other proprietary alternative.
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Open Source
Notepad for Windows, Microsoft Word...LibreOffice Writer....I have used all of these for code writing and editing. Once again I like the universal feel of Notepad++. Basic Notepad, is just that, basic...and kind of clunky for what it is. This is a cool that I have installed on all my computers and also keep it on a thumb drive if I need it elsewhere.
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Return on Investment
Open Source
  • How can you go wrong with a GNU GPL product that works? That's a really low-risk proposition.
  • It is only returns. It is like 0% investment to 5,000% return.
  • The only negative you will have with this product are those Cretans that despise OSS and the willfully ignorant.
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Open Source
  • Productivity has increased for developers.
  • It's free so instead of buying a piece of software, you can use this to replace many of them that may only specialize in one thing.
  • It gives our developers confidence knowing they have such a reliable, free tool at their disposal.
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