ReSharper is a code analysis and debugging tool available as an extender to Visual Studio. Its features are also present in JetBrain's .NET IDE, Rider.
per month per user
SonarQube for IDE
Score 9.0 out of 10
SonarQube for IDE is a free IDE plugin that helps developers by detecting and highlighting issues in their code in real time. Like a spell checker, SonarLint detects Bugs, code smells, and Security Vulnerabilities as code is written, and offers guidance.
ReSharper is the best all-in-one tool for Visual Studio that I have encountered. It contains many features not found in Visual Studio Enterprise, and those features already in Visual Studio provide much better implementations. I would recommend this to all developers, with the only people who will find it a detriment are developers running older, slower machines (due to ReSharper's resource requirements).
SonarLint highlights all the issues in our codes and also displays the severity of each issue.
SonarLint also provides suggestions for how to fix those code issues which are highlighted.
SonarLint starts the processing of the file as soon as it is opened and highlights all the issues which it found.
When we fix the issue, we don't even need to create a new build or generate fresh code quality report, as soon as we save the file with the changes, it does the processing again and shows the result if the issue is fixed or not.
SonarLint saves a lot of time and effort by saving us from doing fresh build every time and generating new code quality report every time, thus increasing the efficiency and output which is in return beneficial for the client.
ReSharper is very familiar if you already know Visual Studio. JetBrains does have an excellent IDE (Rider); however, since ReSharper is an extension to Visual Studio, you only need to learn what their tools add, not a whole new way of working. I have found the extension's interface to be straightforward, although perhaps due to the massive range of features, navigating the menus is a little time-consuming until your muscle memory kicks in. Maybe a feature search tool would help make usability a 10 out of 10?
ReSharper does what it does very well because it operates inside the IDE you are already using. It provides advanced features that function far above and beyond what Visual Studio Professional offers and does not require you to learn another IDE like JetBrain's excellent IDE Rider. My only wish is that ReSharper had a Visual Studio Code plugin!
ReSharper is our go-to tool for file formatting. All of our code process must be formatted correctly, and ReSharper makes that an easy to access keyboard shortcut.
SonarLint helps in achieving all the business requirements in a more efficient way.
It reduces the manual and redundant work which we would have to do else every time if we did not use SonarLint.
SonarLint helps in maintaining code quality, and thus also highlights the loopholes for the cyber attacks and phishing attacks.
SonarLint makes work easy and helps the developer to invest less time in manual work thereby increasing their capacity to deliver the maximum output to the client.