One can spend hours executing marketing plans, thousands of dollars on ads, and a ton of energy begging mom to tell her book club about a business. Do these kinds of approaches really grow business? KingSumo is presented as a way to bring a business or brand into the spotlight without breaking the bank by running viral giveaways.
When I first started my business, I wanted to ensure that a lot of people understood who we were and why we were there. With KingSumo, it helped my business turn leads into loyal followers of our brand. I think in the world we live in, you have a short amount of time to try to win over the eyes of your prospective client, and the tools given to me by this software helped me immensely. Conversely, I think I should say while it was easy for us to learn this software and how to feel good about implementing it in our day to day lives, I think that some newer users to software such as this may be fearful of learning a software without a proper video tutorial.
This is such an easy platform to set up and connect to the different social media channels that you would want to use for an upcoming giveaway. It makes it simple for your participants to join and is an easy way for you to increase your engagement in the contests.
Rafflecopter helps to connect our business with our clients outside of clinic.
Rafflecopter allows the ability for our clients to spread the word about our clinic through our social media efforts.
Rafflecopter truly lets us see how successful we are with our clients, especially because if our patients were not truly satisfied with our services, then they would not want to take part in the giveaways and promotions that we run through Rafflecopter.
I think not that the problem was with Rafflecopter, but rather our company and it's approach to Social Media. Being a conservative B2B company in the manufacturing / safety industry doesn't, at this time, offer us many "social" connections that leads to sale/brand awareness. I think we might be better served on a different social network, say LinkedIn. On a personal note, it was a pleasure using Rafflecopter. Easy, fast, cheap and I can see how it can be hugely effective to a social media campaign for those that are in a different industry than the one I work in. I will certainly be recommending the product to my friends and other businesses that are more appropriately served by Rafflecopter.
I think it is apples and oranges. Kingsumo has a purpose and sets out on an easy path to get you to where you need to be. Other test management software, in my opinion, have gimmicks to them, and what I am looking for in the small business world I am in is simplicity and ease. KingSumo does just that!
Rafflecopter is widely used and people have usually heard of it before. The other way we coordinate giveaways is to have a. spreadsheet with all the entries. Then use Google's random number generator which correlates to one of the rows in the spreadsheet which would be our winner