Oracle Primavera Portfolio Management vs. UDA Construction Suite

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Oracle Primavera
Score 7.4 out of 10
Oracle’s Primavera is a software suite designed for construction and other asset-intensive industries. It contains a variety of project planning, management, and execution components for buyers to select from.N/A
UDA Construction Suite
Score 7.6 out of 10
Oracle Primavera Portfolio ManagementUDA Construction Suite
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Oracle PrimaveraUDA Construction Suite
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Oracle Primavera Portfolio ManagementUDA Construction Suite
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Oracle Primavera Portfolio ManagementUDA Construction Suite
Small Businesses
Score 8.4 out of 10
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FollowUp CRM
Score 9.5 out of 10
Medium-sized Companies
Score 9.2 out of 10
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Autodesk BIM Collaborate Pro
Score 8.7 out of 10
Score 9.2 out of 10
Autodesk BIM Collaborate Pro
Autodesk BIM Collaborate Pro
Score 8.7 out of 10
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User Ratings
Oracle Primavera Portfolio ManagementUDA Construction Suite
Likelihood to Recommend
(12 ratings)
(1 ratings)
User Testimonials
Oracle Primavera Portfolio ManagementUDA Construction Suite
Likelihood to Recommend
The scenarios based on my experience where Oracle Primavera Portfolio Management is well suited and the primary reason for using it is that most current decision-making processes do not effectively analyze and well use the data needed to link among the strategic objectives and the implementation plans so Primavera solutions can help on that by combining the best-practice work control processes and the suitable evaluation metrics with the possibility to store and analyze all the relevant data and information hence Primavera Portfolio Management helps to achieve the strategic goals and deliver the best value.
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UDA Technologies
If you've never used software before and have low expectations, then you might be able to make it work out.
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  • CAC authentication is required in my arena, and OPPM can work in conjunction with a secondary application to allow for this added layer of security.
  • Allows for security/permissions by customizable roles via user types and user groups. This keeps users in check with only certain abilities to edit or read, etc...
  • All kinds of abilities to build custom reports, as well as built in. Export formats include: CSV, Excel, PPT, Word. Customers like reports, and OPPM does a good job at its offerings.
  • Visual aids such as charts and graphs offer some eye appeal. This is useful for presentations, for depicting data.
  • Has the ability to offer document storage via attachment. Attaching supporting documents is a must with portfolio management.
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UDA Technologies
  • The beautiful user interface. It looks good.
  • Their videos are professional.
  • They have webinars.
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  • P6 is not as intuitive as other scheduling software. It usually requires someone who is trained in the program to use it exclusively.
  • P6 can have multiple versions of the baseline schedule. This is not intuitive like saving a file, which usually leads to confusion.
  • P6 is very costly for smaller companies to afford.
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UDA Technologies
  • Their spell checker creates a squiggly line to tell you that you have a misspelled word, but, doesn't allow you to correct it.
  • The spell checker lets you add custom words to a dictionary, but, it can only use one dictionary at a time to check spelling. So the default dictionary gets used, and your custom words still show up as being spelled wrong!
  • You can't select-copy addresses, in order to paste them somewhere else.
  • Using duplexing on my printer doesn't work right. It works for every other software I own, but not in UDA.
  • There is a bug in the WIP date range that doesn't pull accurate data.
  • "Options" in the estimate show only cost, not margin. So if you show your customer that report, you are revealing cost info, not selling price!!
  • You can't import a PDF into bid notes, even though the premise of UDA is to try to make it a single repository for all your information.
  • You can't use the arrow key to browse photos in UDA. You need to close, and click into the next one. No inuitive functionality.
  • The estimating module separates material and labor, in ways that create a very confusing Scope of Work. You need to select the labor item from your database, then separately select the material from your database. You end up with two line items in your Scope of Work for the same thing. Instead of writing, "Supply and Install a new window" you have "Supply a new window" and then "Install a new window." It's hard for my estimator, and confusing for my client.
  • UDA will WREAK HAVOC on your contacts in Outlook.
  • It does a terrible job of managing husband/wife or partner/partner situations. You can't mail merge them properly, or, you get forced into combining their contact into into a single contact-- and then how do you know whether the cell phone is his or hers???
  • There is no good way to credit design fees against the construction contract, if you happen to use that paradigm for your contracts.
  • There is no way to filter contracts by their date created. So, how do you find your newest contacts for entering them into something such as Constant Contact?
  • If you try to use integration of QuickBooks(QB) and UDA, your ITEMS list in QB will either get expanded to hundreds or even THOUSANDS of items... or, your POs in QB will get created in a summary form such that they are virtually meaningless.
  • The "lead funnel" graphic may look cool, but there is not a good way to actually report on the lead status, track the activities and calls that you make, note significant emails that you write, or keep track of when you send out thank-you cards or spiffs/gifts!
  • They might tell you that these things work, but, after spending MONTHS with UDA, I found out that these problems are deal breakers.
  • Within their customer service department, the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. They do not use a structure such as Zendesk that so many other great companies use. Even though I was paying for priority support, there were often days going by where I could not get a call or email back to assist me with a support request or provide a tutorial on how to do something. Had I not paid extra for support, this would be acceptable. But when paying for "TotalCare" priority support, there are times when the software had me stuck, and I was stuck for a day at a time waiting for an answer. Sometimes no answer ever arrived.
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Alternatives Considered
Oracle is better laid out and has more functionality as well as end-user flow. The login process, billing, and construction management features are easy to find, easy to use, and helpful. The limitations on Quickbooks restrict users from the ability to view and bill full contracts if broken down, to track and show % complete. Procore is confusing.
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UDA Technologies
QuickBooks has great quality assurance and while they don't provide support, their software is nearly flawless. Co-construct provides great support and solves problems. In comparison, UDA Construction Suite is full of flaws, and their customer service department is disorganized and overworked.
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Return on Investment
  • P6 is critical to the execution of all of our projects. Without it we would have less control of our projects.
  • One of our key business objectives is to deliver projects on time or ahead of schedule. P6 supports us in this goal and allows our superintendents to manage complicated construction projects.
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UDA Technologies
  • All my money was wasted. I could not get a refund.
  • All my time was wasted. I spent much time on customer support, and even more time "stuck" where customer support could not be reached.
  • My staff time was wasted, because it was hard for them to implement and then we ultimately abandoned it.
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