eDiscovery Point (discontinued) Reviews
eDiscovery Point (discontinued)

eDiscovery Point (discontinued)Pricing

We don't have enough ratings and reviews to provide an overall score.

eDiscovery Point (discontinued) Pricing Overview


What is eDiscovery Point (discontinued)?

Thomson Reuters eDiscovery is a web-based ediscovery software solution. It was designed give users control over their time and costs, with greater speed, and accuracy. Thomson Reuters announced their intent to discontinue eDiscovery Point. The service will become unavailable in the summer of…


  • Does not haveFree Trial
  • Does not haveFree/Freemium Version
  • Does not havePremium Consulting/Integration Services

Entry-level set up fee?

  • No setup fee

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eDiscovery Point (discontinued) Alternatives Pricing

The following is a quick overview of editions offered by other software in similar categories

Digital WarRoom

What is Digital WarRoom?

The vendor states they enable users to process, review, and produce electronic documents for under $10/GB/Month. Digital WarRoom includes features needed for eDiscovery. A hosted subscription includes 1 month of training from Senior eDiscovery professionals who can demonstrate the tool and advise on…

Digital WarRoom

What is Digital WarRoom?

The vendor states they enable users to process, review, and produce electronic documents for under $10/GB/Month. Digital WarRoom includes features needed for eDiscovery. A hosted subscription includes 1 month of training from Senior eDiscovery professionals who can demonstrate the tool and advise on…