A teaching tool for the nerd in all of us
Overall Satisfaction with alta from Knewton, a Wiley brand
We use alta from Knewton, a Wiley brand, as a learning management system for our calculus program. It is easy to use and promotes student interaction. Online learning is tough, but alta from Knewton, a Wiley brand, makes it enjoyable for the students.
- Just-in-time learning
- Immediate feedback
- Individualized student interaction
- Wider distribution--not many know about it
- Tighter line between objectives and learning
- Alternative testing to prevent student cheating
- Student learning is up
- Student drop-outs are down
- Teacher enjoyment increased
- Blackboard Learn, Canvas and Moodle
alta from Knewton, a Wiley brand, is much less expensive than the other LMSes, not just for the students but for the institution, too.
Do you think Alta from Knewton, a Wiley brand delivers good value for the price?
Are you happy with Alta from Knewton, a Wiley brand's feature set?
Did Alta from Knewton, a Wiley brand live up to sales and marketing promises?
Did implementation of Alta from Knewton, a Wiley brand go as expected?
Would you buy Alta from Knewton, a Wiley brand again?
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