I'm a fan of Blackbaud!
January 08, 2016

I'm a fan of Blackbaud!

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Blackbaud CRM

We used it while I was at UGA. They still use it [as] a broad based donor and constituent management database. It is used to track donor contact reports and giving information and a broad spectrum of alumni and donor information. It is used to run reports and in overall relationship management with key people.


  • The product was very good at maintaining records and information. The information was agile and simple to retrieve and operationalize.
  • The system is user friendly. We implemented across an entire campus and more specifically within a division with hundreds of employees. Overall people took to it quickly.
  • The product I think does a more than adequate job of managing contact tracking which is key in all kinds of fields. This is critical because either for your own reasons, or as you depart from an organization, you are able to leave an accurate track record of your activities for the organization's continued success.


  • Three words. Desk. Top. Queries. I advocated for this the whole time I was there. Was told that users querying information from their desktops would crash the system. Can't believe it. Product like this shouldn't have that problem and as a user, my job would have been made infinitely easier had I been able to query information on the desktop.
  • I am convinced I was able to better build proposals and gift plans due to the efficiency of that module in the database.
  • The above most likely meant that proposals were better developed and presented than they otherwise would have been, resulting in a better chance of gift closures. I do not have exact data to back this - just my sense.
  • Sungard and Banner
I found the Blackbaud database to simply be more comprehensive and easier to manipulate than the others. The user friendliness of the modules and availability of information in the Blackbaud system was just better.
We used Blackbaud CRM in a large scale setting. My sense is it would be better suited there than in a smaller setting.


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