Integrate your way to a better place
July 17, 2014

Integrate your way to a better place

Jason Lutz | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Software Version


Modules Used

  • SQL Server connector
  • Groovy custom scripting
  • Netsuite connector
  • FTP connector
  • Javascript function calls
  • Integrating with Magento Commerce and WebSphere Commerce

Overall Satisfaction with Boomi

Boomi is used by the IT team to integrate numerous systems. Without Boomi we would have to write a lot of custom software that would not be as robust. Because of Boomi, we are able to smoothly integrate our eCommerce websites, other websites, ERP/CRM system, and reporting platform. Additionally, we are able to integrate our data with our partners' data.


  • Boomi allows us to quickly integrate existing or new systems with a point and click user interface. We have integrated our ERP/CRM system (Netsuite) with our eCommerce sites built in Magento Commerce and WebSphere Commerce, along with custom websites written in ColdFusion. We switched from WebSphere to Magento 1-2 years ago, and it was a seemless transition.
  • Boomi is constantly upgraded and improved. In the time I have used it, I have been impressed by the number of changes and improvements made.
  • Boomi handles large amounts of data quickly and provides exceptional tools for testing and debugging issues.
  • Boomi provides a way to script using Groovy and JavaScript that allows the user to extend the system to fit business needs.


  • One area for improvement is in handling XML with complicated schemas. We have had a few times where it was impossible or very difficult to handle XML when the schema was complicated. We found workarounds in each scenario, but sometimes that workaround was outside of Boomi.
  • Make it easier to test a process using test systems instead of production ones. Although testing and debugging are exceptional overall, it is very difficult to do that testing in test systems instead of the production ones.
  • The community could be improved to allow you to find pointers and suggestions by other users instead of having to rely on your first line of support. Without this, there is a lot of trial and error.
  • We have had increased employee efficiency by removing manual work.
  • We streamlined and replaced prior systems with more accuracy and efficiency.
  • We have been more accurate everywhere in our data, from reporting to our websites to shipping customer orders.
  • Adeptia
We had previously used Adeptia to integrate, and they were night and day. Boomi is easier to set up, easier to use, easier to monitor, and faster. We have also used other custom solutions for integrating, and they don't compare with the robustness, speed, and accuracy of Boomi.
Boomi is a great product and crucial to our infrastructure. We have not seen another system that would provide us with the same features and robustness, so there is no reason to not renew.
Boomi is exceptional when you need to integrate disparate systems in a comprehensive way. It is also very good when you have a lot of data that is synced overnight (not real time). It allows you to handle a lot of data, schedule it for when you need it to run, and alert you if there are any problems. It might not be a perfect fit if your integration needs to be real time, although the APIs do exist to allow this to be done if needed.


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