Google Charts a graphical web
September 10, 2014

Google Charts a graphical web

Tauseef Jamadar | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 7 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Software Version


Modules Used

  • Bar Chart
  • Line Chart
  • Pie Chart
  • Scatter Chart

Overall Satisfaction with Google Charts

Hi, I am Tauseef Jamadar a Software Developer. I have used multiple modules of Google charts in my organization as well as in my personal projects. They are very useful to graphically represent any statistical data. It helps me make smart decisions based on the data collected. I use it on any project that needs graphical representation.


  • Easy to initialize the graphs.
  • Easy to display graph from a spreadsheet
  • Easy to add animations
  • animation:{
  • duration: 1000,
  • easing: 'out'


  • Making the library a light weight library just for charts.
  • Access to more types of charts.
  • Better error handling.
How data centric is the application? Do I need more than 10 charts on the application? I would highly recommend using Google Charts if the application has large data for analysis since it handles large data very efficiently. It is highly scalable. For smaller applications there are other chart libraries like 3D JavaScript charts that can be used.


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