Innotas, the PPM Superhero!
Updated April 30, 2015

Innotas, the PPM Superhero!

Jeremy C. Porter | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Innotas

The City of Tacoma has two seperate instances of Innotas. One is being utilized by the centralized IT Department's Business Solutions team to manage it's portfolio of SAP, Web and Information Services projects for all City of Tacoma departments. Tacoma Public Utilities Project Management team also recently implemented an instance in an effor to improve scheduling and tracking of all utility technology projects. Along with the basics of the project approval and scheduling process, there is a large focus on resource planning, time tracking and KPI reporting.

Some of the main organiational pain points being addressed by this tool include:
1) A distinct project approval and prioritization path based on a clearly defined methodology and criteria.
2) A clear picture of resource allocation and capacity.
3) Tracking estimates vs actuals and monitoring commitments to ensure service level agreements are being met.
4) Gaining a factual representation of actual work being delivered to each customer.


  • Incredible tool for the integration of project, portfolio and asset management.
  • Talented, professional and service oriented support staff.
  • Always focused on technological advancement and product improvement.


  • Needs simplification of reporting capabilities.
  • During implementation, needs to improve upon understanding the customer base and their processes so that the customer can be guided how to get the best utlization of the program for their needs. Continual hands-on support and review of the customer's system could be helpful as new capabilities are implemented.
  • Could use a slicker look and feel to the resource capacity planning process/screens.
  • Transparent project portfolio management
  • Improved resource management
  • More reliable project reporting
Innotas is progressive; focused on constant improvement and continually adding value to their product. If your organization does not have a solid change management process in place that will allow for the regular integration of these improvements, updating processes and providing the training necessary to get the most out of the tool, then you may want to reconsider this investment.

Using Innotas

100 - Mostly business analysts, developers project managers and IT supervisors.
3 - We have two Business Analysts on the support team as well as one IT Supervisor. However, one analyst serves as the primary administrator while the other two back up when necessary. There is another small team that makes process decisions.
  • Dashboard and report management
  • Project status tracking
  • Resource Management
  • Request tracking tool for our Telecom team
  • Fast track low risk projects
  • Financial Management
  • Improve Resource Capacity Planning
  • Application Management
Organizational focus on cutting edge technology and drive to be the best. Excellent customer service. Robust capabilities.

Innotas Implementation

Innotas Support

Their ability to assist and answer questions when needed is incredible. They create innovative ways to share information and help customers trouble shoot. I didn't give it a ten because I believe they could do a better job of personally reaching out to customers and providing improvement guidance based on where the customer is at and their needs at the time.
Quick Resolution
Good followup
Knowledgeable team
Problems get solved
Kept well informed
No escalation required
Immediate help available
Support understands my problem
Support cares about my success
Quick Initial Response
Yes - Absolutely! Solutions for issues we record are almost always communicated or fully resolved in a timely fashion.
Many times in the past I have been on the phone with someone who didn't initially understand the issue we were having or desired change. Or in some cases, I didn't understand the solution they were suggesting. In each case, the support agent was patient and took the necessary time to ask questions and ensure mutual understanding.

Using Innotas

Still cumbersome in some areas.
It really depends on the individual. I've seen very smart developers who get lost just managing tasks and logging time. Whereas others use the system with ease.
Like to use
Relatively simple
Easy to use
Well integrated
Feel confident using
  • Project data / task management
  • Timesheet entry
  • Admin functionality
  • Reporting
  • Resource Management

Innotas Reliability


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