The tool where everyone is at anyways.
May 19, 2021

The tool where everyone is at anyways.

Mike Narumiya | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with LinkedIn Talent Hub

The whole organization is utilizing LinkedIn Talent Hub. Its a great tool for locating a lot of information about a candidate, as well as of course locating a candidate. Easy to use, which is nice. Don't have to spend a lot of time figuring it out as most people are accustom to how LinkedIn works. Great tool as LinkedIn is one of the go to places for many job seekers.


  • Ease of use
  • Locating talent
  • Become one of the industry standards.


  • Layout of the job. Depending on the job format, some of the information may not appear at first glance to users.
  • Would like more options for company branding, more unique.
  • Great opportunity to find update information/resources.
  • Popularity of the LinkedIn format.
  • Pricey.
We had tried others, and thought this was be another good tool to try. LinkedIn has become a goto place for many professionals, so best utilize that. LinkedIn has a number of features, but the best part is that it is the latest trend by users and HR departments. So, many people are familiar with its use.

Do you think LinkedIn Talent Hub delivers good value for the price?

Not sure

Are you happy with LinkedIn Talent Hub's feature set?


Did LinkedIn Talent Hub live up to sales and marketing promises?


Did implementation of LinkedIn Talent Hub go as expected?


Would you buy LinkedIn Talent Hub again?


If you need a lot of talent, and are looking for good source pool, this is a great option. Certainly LinkedIn is the defacto location of professional profiles. However, if you are on a tight budget, might not be the best option. However, easy to use, as previously mentioned, a place with an abundance of update to date professional contacts/profiles.

LinkedIn Talent Hub Feature Ratings

Job Requisition Management
Company Website Posting
Publish to Social Media
Job Search Site Posting
Customized Application Form
Not Rated
Resume Management
Duplicate Candidate Prevention
Not Rated
Candidate Search
Applicant Tracking
Not Rated
Not Rated
Task Creation and Delegation
Not Rated
Email Templates
User Permissions
Not Rated
Notifications and Alerts
Not Rated


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