Love Mavenlink, even with a few bugs!
Overall Satisfaction with Mavenlink Project Management
Our entire team uses Mavenlink. We use it to create and manage projects, schedule and bill time, and to keep things organized. This helps us to see who we have on each project and to manage their weekly time in an amazing way. We also can keep track of when people are scheduled for PTO, when our freelancers are billing time, etc.
- As an administrator, I love that I can see a detailed view of everyone who is scheduled for the week. I love that I can see what people were planned to do at the beginning of the week, and what we actually have them scheduled for.
- I really like that when I click to schedule in hours on a task for a particular person, I can see what other project they are scheduled for and which project specifically it is for.
- It is helpful for me to be able to see the amount for a budgeted task, and how many hours are planned for each task. I like that overall I can see the budget for the project and how much is budgeted total for all of my tasks.
- You can budget out the whole project, and you can put in a budget for your expenses, but when you add an actual expense, it doesn't bill against the total used budget of the project. If I want to add time under a user other than myself, it's relatively easy to do. If I want to add an expense under someone else, I'm actually unable to do it. The program doesn't have the capability.
- I'm sad that it doesn't have a native app for notifications/contact.
- If I change something - like a task budget - it automatically saves it. That's great, but sometimes people make mistakes and it doesn't show what it USED to be. I find this a little frustrating. I wish there was a "changed from" notification or something, even if it only pops up for a couple seconds.
- It has allowed us to be very accurate about the time we use on a weekly basis for many different types of projects. It allows us to look back and see where we were correct about our projections, and where we were under or over an anticipated budget. This has been incredibly helpful in mapping out future projects.
- Wrike,Basecamp
Mavenlink Implementation
- Implemented in-house
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