OpenShift enabling rapid R&D
May 06, 2016

OpenShift enabling rapid R&D

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
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Software Version


Overall Satisfaction with OpenShift

OpenShift was used to facilitate research and development within the front end development team. It enabled front end developers to quickly create development environments using pre built cartridges without requiring dev ops support.
Previously, developers would have been limited to the languages and tools available to them, which restricted innovation. The speed at which environments can be created has enabled great creativity.


  • Pre built cartridges, giving a huge range of software ready to go. Reduces the amount of time required to get up and running.
  • Integration with GIT was an advantage, cloning the repo and making changes was straight forward.
  • Speed, creating an environment in minutes, ready to deploy.


  • Swapping between different Openshift accounts wasn't as intuitive as I would have imagined, although I doubt that the tool is primarily aimed towards front end developers.
  • Increased output from R&D function
  • Reduced time to proof of concept or MVP
  • IBM Bluemix
I found OpenShift and IBM Bluemix to be very similar, however in terms of our use case, we were not using these tools to create a production ready environment, these were to be able to create dev environments which could be torn down and spun up again quickly to give maximum flexibility.
Both products provided this, but ultimately OpenShift was better suited to our needs, the user interface is easier to navigate and developers found it quicker to get to grips with.
OpenShift proved valuable in spinning up environments quickly with specific requirements. This enabled the team to evaluate tools quickly without having to request resources from other departments, develop proof of concept solutions away from our production environment, work collaboratively as part of smaller teams and ultimately to be as creative and innovative as possible.

Red Hat OpenShift Feature Ratings

Ease of building user interfaces
Platform management overhead
Workflow engine capability
Not Rated
Platform access control
Services-enabled integration
Development environment creation
Development environment replication
Issue monitoring and notification
Not Rated
Issue recovery
Not Rated
Upgrades and platform fixes


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