Solarwinds unveiled what my network was doing.
April 12, 2022
Solarwinds unveiled what my network was doing.

Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with SolarWinds Network Device Monitor
The network is the highway to all things for the client server communication! If you want to create an app, it will more than likely touch the network, or live there. Whether it’s an sql query or a shared file to a mobile app, you need the network. So why don’t we monitor it? That was my question almost six years ago. Then came Solarwinds and the network device monitoring. From device health to resource utilization and trending. What bandwidth are going out to what port and the type of traffic if the device supports it. I know what is going in and out of the network devices, I can show you.
- Integrate with disparate and various hardware.
- View hardware details like fan, psu, cpu utilization.
- Pull configuration, with appropriate credentials, from network device.
- Modify configuration, with appropriate credentials, from network device.
- Move away from Windows as the underlying OS.
- Not much else.
- Really had to think about the first one.
- Visibility into what my devices are doing.
- I can see my network traffic and trend it.
- Who else wants to see in the company? Send them a report. Beneficial and easy to do.
- Non technical, read only access. Very good for the NOC.
- Improvement, who doesn’t want that for network traffic?
- Inventory reports, send it to renew contracts or upgrade outdated hardware.
- Only runs on Windows.
- Maybe Linux in the future?
MS is meant for windows monitoring and up/down for mostly everything else. Moved away from MS System Center. Now we have better visibility and management can get reports. The other teams have added Linux to Solarwinds and also see improvements in monitoring. Whether you use snmp (v3), wmi or some other credentials to connect to you system, Solarwinds will more than likely be able to manage and monitor it.
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