Employing social media metrics as a valuable informational source of a brand’s customer-based brand equity
Overall Satisfaction with Ubermetrics Delta
In the course of our research project at the chair of marketing and innovation management at the Georg-August-University Goettingen, we employed Ubermetrics to source social media content that is created by users to share information and/or opinions regarding corporate brands with other users and referred to as user-generated content (UGC). The project aims at investigating the nexus between social media metrics such as daily volume of UGC, daily valence of UGC (i.e. sentiment), and daily virality of UGC as provided by Ubermetrics, and corporate financial performance.
- Ubermetrics is extremely intuitive and easy to use. We primarily draw on Ubermetrics to source data on social media content that is created by users to share information and/or opinions regarding corporate brands with other users, so called user-generated content (UGC). The scope of UGC data and its initial preparation as provided by Uubermetrics is really impressive and to the best of our knowledge unparalleled. For instance, we gathered UGC data from various online media channels on six brands from the telecommunication and automotive industry dating back in time up to three years. The single content is further equipped with additional, descriptive information such as its URL, the type of media channel it has been posted to, its virality, and a sentiment score of either +1 (positive), 0 (neutral), or -1 (negative), to name just a few. With these additional information, Ubermetrics customers are able to delve deeper into analyzing the large body of UGC and thus get a better understanding of its emergence and explore its impact on measures of corporate financial performance as in our case, for instance.
- Apart from our project, a really cool feature is the dashboard, which is easily adaptable to the user’s individual informational needs. Finally, we’d like to laud Ubermetrics for its outstanding customer care: our questions regarding the provided data and the underlying process of crawling websites for brand-related content were answered immediately and to our fullest satisfaction by Ubermterics’ staff.
- Actually, there is nothing we disliked about Ubermetrics. We are looking forward to the international expansion of Ubermetrics’ online media coverage which may fairly take another while though.
- Not applicable because we are working for an university.
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