Windows Server - It's as simple as that!! Reliable, Full-Featured, Secure, Easy to administer.
July 08, 2021

Windows Server - It's as simple as that!! Reliable, Full-Featured, Secure, Easy to administer.

Michael Craven | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review

Overall Satisfaction with Windows Server

We are using Windows Server at our business for multiple uses. First, it is being used as a File Server - allowing us to have a large repository of data without upgrading individual workstations. Second, we are using Windows Server 2016 do to it's ability to perform workstation backups - reliably. The backup function supports Bare-Metal Restore (and has been put the test multiple times and works great!) and also supports deduplication - it only stores 1 copy of each duplicate file from All of our workstations (why take space to store Windows 10 files, etc. multiple times).
They have deprecated that function in Windows Server 2019.


  • Backup of workstations & itself - reliably, consistently, with Bare-Metal Restore and deduplication
  • File management and Security on a per file/folder/user basis is simple and fully done through an easy GUI
  • DNS, DHCP server functions are easy to configure using the built-in GUI


  • Windows Server 2019 has deprecated one of the best and most reliable feature of Server 2016 - workstation backups.
  • Windows Server 2019 works great with Azure for cloud functionality, but could use more options to work with out cloud providers.
  • Security - including NOT having the entire Windows Server codebase open-source (like Linux)
  • Backup (deprecated after Server 2016)
  • GUI for administration of Everything. Virtually no need to use the command prompt at all - which is very archaic in my opinion in this day and age.
  • Windows Server has made it very simple to maintain my client's central business needs do to Windows Servers simple setup, reliability, and easy administration.
  • I have been able to setup client's businesses much quicker and easier than when using other Server options.
  • With no real downtime, timely security updates and outstanding reliability, Windows Server has made my Computer Consulting business look really good!

Do you think Windows Server delivers good value for the price?


Are you happy with Windows Server's feature set?


Did Windows Server live up to sales and marketing promises?


Did implementation of Windows Server go as expected?


Would you buy Windows Server again?


Adobe Acrobat Reader DC, Microsoft Office 2016 (discontinued), Veeam Backup & Replication
If you have one user or 1000's of users (especially using Windows), Windows Server is a no-brainer! The only reason I would suggest going with a Linux server is if you have old hardware (Windows Server is more process intensive than Linux).
But, Linux is open-source, so anyone can publish updates/security updates, but on the flip side, malicious people also have full access to Linux's codebase allowing for much easier writing of exploitations/viruses/malware/ransomware.

Using Windows Server

Everything can (and should) be done through the easy to use/navigate GUI. There is no need for archaic command prompt use to administer the server. But, it is there if you have very specific needs for batch files, etc. that are not covered in the all extensive GUI.
Like to use
Relatively simple
Easy to use
Technical support not required
Well integrated
Quick to learn
Feel confident using
  • Backup
  • File/Folder Security
  • User accounts and permissions
  • Administration of mixed environment workstations, i.e. Mac, Linux, etc.


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