Cinema 4D vs. CorelDRAW Graphics Suite

ProductRatingMost Used ByProduct SummaryStarting Price
Cinema 4D
Score 9.0 out of 10
Maxon, headquartered in Germany, offers Cinema 4D, an animaton suite for 3D artists, which the vendor states is suitable for beginners and seasoned professionals alike, who can take advantage of Cinema 4D’s wide range of tools and features to achieve stunning results for demanding, fast-paced 3D production.N/A
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite
Score 9.7 out of 10
Corel Corporation, headquartered in Ottawa, offers the CorelDRAW Graphics Suite, a graphic design studio and library of tools.
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Cinema 4DCorelDRAW Graphics Suite
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Cinema 4DCorelDRAW Graphics Suite
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Cinema 4DCorelDRAW Graphics Suite
Small Businesses
Score 9.5 out of 10
Score 9.4 out of 10
Medium-sized Companies
Score 9.5 out of 10
Score 9.4 out of 10
Score 8.8 out of 10
Adobe PhotoShop
Adobe PhotoShop
Score 9.2 out of 10
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User Ratings
Cinema 4DCorelDRAW Graphics Suite
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(5 ratings)
(20 ratings)
(1 ratings)
(1 ratings)
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(1 ratings)
(11 ratings)
User Testimonials
Cinema 4DCorelDRAW Graphics Suite
Likelihood to Recommend
Photorealistic Rendering (it takes a LONG time to render for print, but it's insanely realistic). Commercial Production Graphical Integration into print materials (and digital) We did a lot with brochures and billboards. Hi Res rendering takes hours, but the output set us FAR apart from the run-of-the-mill competition we had.
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It is a perfect suite of applications to finish presentations and create beautiful layouts for design. It is very useful both for graphic design and for architecture design when you want to draw a realistic idea of a project without being a rendering or when you need to present both images and vectorial drawings.
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  • Seemingly endless selection of tools
  • clear and powerful manipulation tools
  • effect use of hotkeys for navigating the 3D space
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  • Easy to learn - especially if you have experience with other graphic software. It is fairly intuitive which is helpful.
  • Creating high resolution graphics is a breeze with this software - and it has the ability to export into a large variety of formats!
  • I am able to import a wide variety of file formats. I have also had success with importing and editing PDF files which has been helpful.
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  • Weak UV mapping interface.
  • Redshift integration is not 100% seamless yet.
  • Weight-mapping is a nightmare.
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  • The bitmap edit feature to edit images. The pop out is clunky and with it was a bit more integrated.
  • Trace - Would love to see this strengthened. We love to scan in hand drawn things to turn to vector and would love to see the accuracy increased.
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For reasons mentioned before: an intuitive interface and speed of the viewport, speed of loading, and ease of plugin integration. The MoGraph module encourages experimentation and the creation of highly modifiable scenes. Crashes are extremely rare and the support team and community are hyper-responsive to requests for help. For real... Maxon's staff hangs out in Slack and Discord communities, regularly assisting users with issues. No support ticket required.
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Just like any design program or suite, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who doesn't do graphic design professionally. If you're not adept at learning a program or experience, it isn't a program you can just pick up and start using easily. Outside of the learning curve, it's a nice program with a decent user interface.
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Support Rating
Maxon's staff regularly hangs out in Slack and Discord communities, ready to assist. This goes beyond the support ticket system, which is also extremely robust. Hundreds of optimizations and bugs are fixed in every patch, even when the user experience is already 99.9% smooth. This is a proactive, not reactive, support and engineering team at Maxon.
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Overall, CorelDRAW meets all my needs as a researcher and allows me to create beautiful and clear graphics to illustrate the main ideas for publications. It does not lack any functionality for my needs; however, it has some bugs that impact productivity, such as the color drag and drop that sometimes stops working and needs restarting, and crashes, especially when working with large bitmaps.
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Alternatives Considered
Well, I go for cinema 4D if I want to create dynamic animation instead of Autodesk 3ds Max as I can easily create that animation compared to Autodesk 3ds Max.
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Although other softwares are good in there field but CorelDRAW is very good when it come to ease of making the designs. We can create designs in it very quickly and efficiently and also it us Avery easy software to learn, anyone can pick it up at good pace. Also it is more widely used by vendors here for printing, so its a better choice.
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Return on Investment
  • Producing quality training content reduces mistakes and improves ebitda for our restaurants
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  • Ease of use reflects on less time to train new users, a positive impact in investment and productivity.
  • The practicality to make new designs results in less time needed to do them, again a positive impact.
  • The integration with other graphic programs could be better if needed to finish a rendering using the design made in Corel Draw it's needed to export in formats that don't carry all information and the process is not that simple.
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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite Screenshots

Screenshot of A complete suite of applications:
CorelDRAW® - Vector illustration and page layout
Corel PHOTO-PAINT™ - Image editing and pixel-based design program
Corel® Font Manager - Font exploration and management tool
PowerTRACE™ - AI-powered bitmap-to-vector tracing (included as part of the CorelDRAW application)™ - Online vector illustration and graphic design via web browser™ for iPad – Vector illustration and graphic design iPad app
CAPTURE™ - Screen capture tool
AfterShot™ 3 HDR - RAW photo editorScreenshot of From creative professionals working in advertising and publishing, to small businesses producing in-house marketing materials, CorelDRAW Graphics Suite has the tools to create everything from stand-out brand identity assets to alluring sales tools.Screenshot of Professionals in the sign and print, and fashion industry rely on CorelDRAW® to create artwork for a variety of print outputs, thanks to a powerful color management engine and superior prepress tools.Screenshot of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite has commerce professionals covered with dedicated tools for web and print, whether you’re designing point-of-sale promotions or creating assets to enhance an online store.Screenshot of Illustrators and artists alike can combine their classic art practices with CorelDRAW’s state-of-the-art vector-illustration technology to create beautiful, sophisticated works of art.Screenshot of Get more for less! Discover the affordable, flexible way to stay up-to-date, while enjoying exclusive features, content, enhancements, and support for the latest technologies.