GridBuddy Connect vs. Paperflite

ProductRatingMost Used ByProduct SummaryStarting Price
GridBuddy Connect
Score 8.0 out of 10
GridBuddy Connect, from Validity, is a data productivity platform that keeps teams more focused on growing the business rather than updating data. GridBuddy Connect combines data from separate systems into an editable, spreadsheet-simple view. Users finally have all insights they need in one place, and they can engage confidently using the right data.N/A
Score 9.5 out of 10
Paperflite is a marketing collateral management and sales enablement platform designed for organizing, distributing, and sharing content with customers. Its real-time engagement analytics provide insights into how content is being used, accessed, viewed, and shared by end-users. With Paperflite, marketers can publish content that is discoverable by everybody in the organization. Sales teams can use Paperflite to share content in hyper-personalized microsites so that every customer sees…
per month per user
GridBuddy ConnectPaperflite
Editions & Modules
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Begins at* $50 USD
per month per user
Begins at* $500 USD
per month per user
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Pricing Offerings
GridBuddy ConnectPaperflite
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GridBuddy ConnectPaperflite
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GridBuddy ConnectPaperflite
Small Businesses
Score 9.2 out of 10
Score 9.1 out of 10
Medium-sized Companies
Shared Contacts for Gmail
Shared Contacts for Gmail
Score 8.6 out of 10
Score 9.1 out of 10
Shared Contacts for Gmail
Shared Contacts for Gmail
Score 8.6 out of 10
Score 9.3 out of 10
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User Ratings
GridBuddy ConnectPaperflite
Likelihood to Recommend
(13 ratings)
(29 ratings)
Likelihood to Renew
(1 ratings)
(0 ratings)
(1 ratings)
(1 ratings)
Support Rating
(0 ratings)
(2 ratings)
Implementation Rating
(1 ratings)
(0 ratings)
User Testimonials
GridBuddy ConnectPaperflite
Likelihood to Recommend
1. Making broad changes to data, like moving ownership of records from one user to another for a new Sales Rep or a moved Sales Rep. 2. Making broad changes to data for product changes, product introductions and such (product naming changes, product description changes, etc.). I recently had to make a change to the name of a Product Option. Product Options are a sub-object related to Product. This name change was in 22 places. Okay, 18 [is] not a lot, but to make this change individually 22 times is still very tedious and takes too much of my time. Instead, I set up my Grid with the Object and sub-Object and made all 22 changes at once with a mass change. Piece of cake. And I don't have to go back to several of the records to see if the change was made successfully (something you have to do with Dataloader). I could see the effective change all at once on my Grid screen.
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The sales team uses constantly all the sharing features. We share Collections and share individual assets as well to our distributors. They consume our catalogs, price guides, delivery timeline schedules, and much more. For every content, I know the granular level of consumption that is occurring. I no longer have to make any guesses based on content. I am able to schedule follow-ups based on real time content.
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  • Reshapes the user Interface into an intuitive, clean, easy and thoughtful way, meaning Salesforce can be practically used for applications that (in my Opinion) salesforce was never designed for.
  • Mass updates are a God send, Leaving quick and meaningful notes, setting up meetings with clients or upcoming calls to maintain contact, all from the same screen without information overload... a real achievement.
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  • Paperflite simplifies storing content in a single repository, giving content structure within an organization. By creating streams you are able to segregate content based on the content structure your organization has planned out.
  • Oftentimes the content created by marketing is not used by sales for lack of discoverability/finding of content. With Paperflite every asset is easily discoverable by a simple search feature. Paperflite does an in-content search as well, giving in-depth results and ensuring no asset is left unseen
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  • Does not allow users to create new Campaign Member records; we would like to be able to add multiple Campaign Member records to a Campaign in a Grid.
  • Does not allow users to create new Task records; we would like to be able to add multiple Tasks records related to the same user but multiple Opportunities and Contacts.
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  • Nothing to mention, at this point but sometimes it takes a little more time to add assets to a collection. Not too sure if it's the internet connection or just a glitch on the website.
  • What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized? The analytics feature has helped me understand how my content is performing and make changes to it accordingly. The ability to create a personalized content experience for each of my prospects makes it even more better.
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Likelihood to Renew
- Easy of use - Visual nature of using the product (as compared to Dataloader) - Quickness of making changes/updates/edits to long lists of records, live and real-time
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- Ease of use - Real-time and visible nature of making mass changes - Ease of setting up a Grid - Ease of filtering the Grid to see the records that I need to change
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I find it very easy to understand and use
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Support Rating
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Have been very prompt in their responses. They know the product extremely well to respond precisely to the posted queries. Not just that, they are extremely proactive in providing quality suggestions and teach ways to improve the overall user experience when using the product. You give them your problem statement, and they'll come up with innovative ways to address it.
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Implementation Rating
GridBuddy was very easy to implement
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Alternatives Considered
This is the 1st inline editing product we have tested. The only reason we would ever go with another product is the price.
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With Paperflite, the analytics provided are much more insightful compared to DocSend. Paperflite's content intelligence helps understand how content is performing with each prospect. Easy accessibility with Paperflite, cause we can use it on a phone or IPAD and not just from desktop
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Return on Investment
  • Our sales executives save a lot of time reviewing all opportunities in a single editable view.
  • Gridbuddy improves the functionality of our CRM by allowing us to edit multiple opportunities in one place.
  • It is generally faster and easier to build a report in GridBuddy than it is in SAP C4C.
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  • Paperflite's user experience is great and with its key features, it becomes an essential tool for teams
  • Content Management: Have all our collaterals under one place for teams to discover easily
  • Content Experience: The ability to create personalized experiences for prospects has helped increase engagement.
  • Content Analytics : We've been able to understand the ROI our content brings.
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GridBuddy Connect Screenshots

Screenshot of Conditional formattingScreenshot of ForecastingScreenshot of ConnectorsScreenshot of Mass UpdateScreenshot of Multi-object inline editing