Loopio is a Toronto-based RFP response software provider that helps companies streamline their process for RFPs, DDQs, and Security Questionnaires. Loopio’s RFP response software is for RFIs, Security Questionnaires, DDQs, and sales proposals.
OneTrust Privacy Automation
Score 8.5 out of 10
The OneTrust Privacy Automation solution is used to simplify compliance, improve operational efficiency, and enable risk-informed decisions.
I use Loopio specifically for RFP's mostly. I think it is a great and adequate tool for this and much of what I think that needs to improve are not large needle movers for me since the software as a whole is fantastic. It is very easy to upload an RFP into Loopio and begin answering those questions or pulling from previously answered questions. I also will use Loopio for large client proposals and I often use the "search functionality within Loopio to see if I can find answers to clients questions. I like that I can also pull images from Loopio as well and often use those visualizations in my proposals.
I strongly recommend it for general management of personal data privacy programs and risk and contract management, it complies with all major world legislation in addition to being easy and fast. Not recommended for data discovery still requires refinement.
Adding new answers to the library was easier and better with the "close the loop" functionality. Now, it seems like it is easier to miss questions to add to the library.
Usability is good but falls short of excellent. The interface is clean and well organized. They clearly spent some time working on the UI and took some feedback from focus groups to help keep it tidy. On a few occasions, we have experienced a little bit of lag while updating the question database. I'd like to see just a little faster response time on a consistent basis.
We have used a shared hosted tenant managed by OneTrust for over three years with only one instance of a lengthy (4+ hours) unexpected outage which happened years ago.
We selected a European hosting location based on our initial use case, however, our usage of the OneTrust platform has expanded globally to where the majority of users sit in the Americas or Asia-Pacific regions. There is a noticeable lag when navigating the platform for users located far away from the hosting location.
As a user, you can mitigate any sluggish response time by the aggressive use of multiple browser tabs. I commonly have one tab open on an Inventory detail screen, another tab on an Assessment window, and maybe another tab on a customized inventory list screen. If one tab is slow I hop to another tab and work on that tab while the first tab responds.
They're very supportive and reply in a timely manner. Whenever I contacted the support I received a helpful reply that actually solved my issue. Quite often when my team suggested an improvement that would simplify and speed up our work it happened not long after which is perfect for us.
Both our customer rights access and cookie consent advisors were responsive and helpful in getting us trained on using the platform and the various assets implemented on our website. We had multiple training sessions that were more than enough in getting all of the users on our team familiar with what we needed to do.
An implementation specialist worked with us remotely during our initial deployment. Due to the diverse geographic locations of my organization's participants, the implementation and training had to be done remotely (this was before COVID-driven remote work).
The implementation specialist was knowledgeable and helpful but to really get full benefit from the platform I encourage organizations to dedicate a specialist within your company to really study and learn the platform.
First, when we compare OneTrust Privacy and Data Governance Cloud to the software I mentioned above, OneTrust Privacy and Data Governance Cloud software was way more affordable than the other 2. Also, along with the other 2 software, OnTrust was one of the most user friendly tool/software we've ever used.
The platform has exceptional capabilities to customize the user interface, reports, and recorded information. In most cases, the customization can be compartmentalized so that if the customization performed for Department A is determined to not impact Department B, the customization can be hidden from Department B.
We have four different departments using the IT Risk Management module. Three departments share their work in what we call the 'shared data risk management zone'. Another department is using IT Risk Management for a bespoke portfolio risk management task, and the customization for this department is largely hidden from the other departments.
I have saved hundreds of hours working in Loopio instead of answering RFP's on my own. This has allowed me to spend other hours elsewhere. Having an RFP management tool has been an incredible timesaver
The creation and management of questions has also saved me hours of time in searching out tough questions to answer and has also saved my colleagues time as well since we don't need to collaborate to find answers.
Have had some issues with downloading the proposal in a readable format for clients to view. I've sometimes had to go back and figure out what went wrong when exporting which can be frustrating- especially when dealing with very tight deadlines.