Roundforest Reviews


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Roundforest Pricing Overview


What is Roundforest?

Roundforest has created an end-to-end shopping ecosystem comprised of its proprietary websites, native publisher solution, social shopping community, and email newsletters. Their technology identifies the best product for each customer and provide highly specific buying recommendations to take the…


  • Does not haveFree Trial
  • Does not haveFree/Freemium Version
  • Does not havePremium Consulting/Integration Services

Entry-level set up fee?

  • No setup fee

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Roundforest Alternatives Pricing

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What is Yahoo Native?

Yahoo Native (formerly Yahoo Gemini) is Yahoo's offering for mobile, native and search engine marketing and advertising (formerly Yahoo! Advertising and Yahoo! Search Marketing), for placing ads where visitors are, with an emphasis on mobile. The marketplace offers search and native advertising in…


What is Taboola?

Taboola is a native advertising platform from the company of the same name in New York for publishing "recommended" content in a variety of popularly visited news sites and spaces. Taboola is partnered with many publishers (the Atlantic, Tribune, MailOnline, Business Insider, etc.).


What is Choozle?

Choozle, headquartered in Denver, provides a digital advertising software platform that leverages consumer data to power programmatic advertising campaigns across display, video, mobile and other mediums.