RPA Suite Reviews
RPA Suite

RPA SuitePricing

We don't have enough ratings and reviews to provide an overall score.

RPA Suite Pricing Overview

RPA Suite has 5 pricing edition(s), from $0 to $15,500. A free trial of RPA Suite is also available. Look at different pricing editions below and read more information about the product here to see which one is right for you.

Free trial


On Premise
2 bots, 90 days, 20 process hours/month

Pay per use


On Premise
(yearly) 10 bots, 1 RPA Center seat, 280 process hours/month

Start Up


On Premise
(yearly) 2 bots, 1 RPA Center, unlimited process hours



On Premise
(yearly) 5 bots, 1 RPA Center, unlimited process hours



On Premise
(yearly) 10 bots, 2 RPA Center seats + 1 supervisor seat + 16 h support, 2 RPA Developer seats + 2 development bots, certification for 2 developers + 2 analysts, unlimited process hours
Pricing for RPA Suite


  • HasFree Trial
  • HasFree/Freemium Version
  • HasPremium Consulting/Integration Services

Entry-level set up fee?

  • Setup fee optional

For the latest information on pricing, visit https://rigeltechnologies.net/licensing/?lang=en

All RPA-Suite licensing modes are floating. Only active robots consume licensing time, so idle robots do not count for timed options. A company may have more installed robots than those currently running a function.

RPA Suite Support Options

FeatureFree VersionPaid Version
Video Tutorials / WebinarAvailableAvailable
Customer websiteUnavailableAvailable