AirWatch is a Great Tool for High-Level Enterprise
February 22, 2016

AirWatch is a Great Tool for High-Level Enterprise

Marcos Sola | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with AirWatch

AirWatch is currently being used by the board members of Sonoco Products Company. All sensitive information is loaded prior to the actual meeting so they have enough time to review the presentation and budgets. During the meeting AirWatch is being used as a tool for annotation, multimedia and record keeping. It is favored by all the board members of Sonoco.


  • AirWatch's portal is easy to use when uploading documents.
  • The table of contents on PDF documents helps when documents have many tabs/chapters.
  • Annotations are extremely helpful when making notes during the meeting.
  • Offline mode allows for viewing of documents when not "online".


  • Loading of high definition videos would be helpful.
  • Synchronizing with such presentation software as Prezi would be a great advantage. PowerPoint seems to be fading as far as live presenting goes.
  • Android interface vs. iOS interface is very different.
  • Printing and shipping costs have become non existent. With all presentations now being electronic and loaded prior to the meetings, we no longer have to plan ahead for physical logistics.
  • A devoted team needs to be assigned to troubleshoot the devices during the live meeting. Someone devoted to compiling and loading the information needs to be responsible and have good interpersonal skills with the account holders.
  • Updates from AirWatch Apps need to be done on a regular basis.
AirWatch is well suited for high-level quarterly meetings of an enterprise. It is less appropriate on the working floor unless used by management or supervisors to share sensitive data across the workforce.


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