The Ease and Excitement of Alteryx
March 28, 2014

The Ease and Excitement of Alteryx

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
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Software Version


Modules Used

  • Blank

Overall Satisfaction

Alteryx was mainly used by the Research department but also by GIS, Data, and IT. The company I worked for was in retail site selection and Alteryx made the job easier, more efficient, and extremely fun. The geo-spacial portion of Alteryx is the main reason why this company has flourished in the last 5 years or so. I highly doubt such a company would be as effective in the retail field without Alteryx.


  • Alteryx and it's genius "tool" interface makes it possible and extremely easy for colleagues to follow your progress and update personal modules. Very rarely would I have to ask the original creator of a module questions on what exactly they were trying to accomplish. Just follow the tools and, if you have half a brain, you can figure it out easily.
  • Transposing, joining, cross tabbing, and all data manipulation within the program is out of this world easy. Select a few options within the tool and you're done. I use a coding statistical software at my current job and as much as I love the software, transposing in Alteryx is a green circle compared to the double black diamond in my current software. Also, summarizing large data sets is only 2 clicks away compared to 10 or 20 or 50 lines of code.
  • The most impressive thing that Alteryx can do is the Geo-Spatial analyses it allows a user to pull off with minimal effort. Set a radius of 5 miles, 10 minutes drive-time, whatever you'd like, and in 10 seconds you can know how many white people, age 25 to 35 who make over $100,000 live in this certain area. Simply impressive to me.


  • The company I worked for where I used Alteryx did not have super large data sets and I have a hard time believing that Alteryx could do a transpose on data sets that contain 300 million plus records where I currently work. I know that the software would freeze at times if you were trying to transpose a super large data set (I was transposing ~1 million records when this occurred).
  • Go back to the original tools. The new color coded tool system is ridiculous. I understand that you are trying to be catchy to new users but the old users, my colleagues and I at my other job, were not too happy when the color coded tools came out. Maybe make it possible to switch to the old tools so that current users don't have to relearn the tools. I had a module that I knew like the back of my hand and when the switch came, it took me hours to decode my own module.
  • I would like the ability for Alteryx to be able to handle a field that was both numeric and alpha. Every time I had a field that was both, the formatting which the rendor tool created was completely screwed up.
  • Definitely increased employee efficiency.
  • The company was able to offer more products to better serve the customers. Site selection with a click, more detailed segmentation, etc.
  • The program itself made the job more enjoyable. The ease of the software and also "Lego"-like interface made going to work fun.
  • SAS Analytics
SAS is great and without it a lot of businesses would be out of business but Alteryx allows a much more user friendly interface and minimal code is needed. I think SQL was the only code I really needed when using Alteryx. R has been introduced within Alteryx and now it can be used for regressions and statistical analyses. (Great idea by the way Alteryx) Tableau as well has been introduced within Alteryx if I'm not mistaken so now within one program, you can manipulate your data, run a regression and build a model, and then present your findings in a very professional, interactive manner.
I do not currently use Alteryx so I will not be renewing it.
I have already recommended it at my new position. However, I was very detailed in my recommendation as I do not think it could handle the large data sets we use. It would take a lot of getting used to since no one here has used it but since Alteryx is so easy to learn and can do so many things, I think it is worth a trial run.


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