Recruiting Insight for Big Biller
Overall Satisfaction
Big Biller is being used by the recruiters at our company as a resource to find candidates to send emails regarding job opportunities. It is being used strictly by the recruiting floor to search for candidates resumes who have been uploaded into the Big Biller database. It provides a good way to send out a mass email to relevant candidates.
- When you search for candidates in a big database, and want to reach them all at once via email. Big Biller provides you with the platform to build a database.
- Big Biller provides you the option to select candidates within a certain region of the country or even within a certain mile radius from a city or zip code.
- Big Biller allows you to narrow down searches to candidates who have completed certain Educational levels.
- When you send out a mass email, you could get many emails sent back from candidates who no longer use that email. It would be nice if there was a nice quick way to edit that email or delete the profile without having to go into Big Biller and take everyone out individually because Recruiters don't have time to do that.
- Lengthen the availability of Boolean searches, so you can narrow down your search even further.
- Increase the mile radius that we are allowed to search for candidates.
- Sometimes Big Biller doesn't produce the necessary results desired but that could be because the database doesn't have enough relevant candidates.
- Big Biller has been a good resource in finding candidates quickly and they can get back to you quickly because they get an email with a job description immediately.
- Sometimes Big Biller doesn't have enough room to put in a lengthy Boolean search so you can't narrow down your search enough.
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