Open source Tool
November 29, 2021

Open source Tool

Mahmoud obaid | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Blender

Basically, since I am a mechanical engineer, we use CFD which requires to design a model showing all its dimensions, initial conditions, forces that are impacting it, ..etc. Using blinder becomes very useful to us while creating these models, so what we normally do, create our model using CAD software “ Revit, AutoCAD” then export it to a readable format and import it in Blender, now Blender will help us create meshes “ term used while before processing CFD” with the needed dimensions “ accuracy “ whether to make it fine or coarse.


  • Creating meshes that would be used for post process for CFD.
  • Split any object to a certain number of elements in order to proceed with creating meshes.
  • Export your model to different formats which is very convenient since you are planning to use it afterwards.


  • I would recommend to include trouble shooting icon to identify any issue would face the designer.
  • If possible to make this program as a compact software. What I mean is instead for me “ as a engineer “ to use another software to process the elements exported from Blender, why not adding a tool in blender to do this task instead.
  • Creating Meshes
  • Export and import different files formats
  • Rendering models
  • Being free was really convenient to our company since we can show results easily without tending to use any expensive software.
  • Having decent accuracy level helps to have good results.
Again, Blender has a great advantage compared to other software which is being “ open source “ & free which can let anybody uses it without any worries. Compared to Ansys, Blender is ok since it doesn’t have all the features that Ansys got which is fine since Ansys is quite an expensive software compared to Blender.

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Being open-source & free is very convenient for any designer or modeler since you can use it in various ways. Not only engineers who are using this software but also animators and this is considered as big plus to this software. Personally, I use Blender as preprocess CFD tool where u can directly can create meshes with any needed dimensions and numbers then export them with any format but on the other hand, sometimes blinder tends to have issues while creating these meshes such as showing error messages and you cant tell we’re exactly the problem is hence taking a lot of time for troubleshooting.


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