Why I love Bold360
April 04, 2019

Why I love Bold360

casharrell williams | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Bold360

Bold360 is being used by my entire organization from sales and customer service, to our techs, clerks, and internal associates. Bold is very efficient and helps us to get the help and quick responses that we need to help get orders and repairs expedited or even techs needing assistance with work. Bold360 is a time and money saver.


  • Bold360 captures conversation history for later review and/or coaching.
  • Bold360 allows the organization to have multi-users throughout several departments.
  • Bold360 is quick and efficient.


  • I would like to see where the end user is located, not just the country.
  • I would like to have easier access and save capabilities to conversation history.
  • I would like for it not to log me out or time out so quickly.
  • I am a user, therefore, I am not privy to the ROI information of the business. But I would assume that there is a positive impact because Bold360 saves time and money.
Bold360 is well suited for an organization that has many departments that have to work together but are not in the same office. Bold is less appropriate for personal use.


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