Cornerstone - great for training and tracking
Overall Satisfaction with Cornerstone OnDemand
We use Cornerstone to proxy out document reviews, employment on-the-job training checklists and other classes. We have had great success in rolling out our mandatory safety classes and quality review documents.
- They do an excellent job with being connected and available for questions. They hold open office hours most days and targeted training scheduled during the week.
- The dynamic proxy options are excellent and allow for extreme customizations.
- There is an amazing array of options for administering information to your end users. With the ability to use a curriculum, you can customize your delivery to their needs.
- I would like to see a display of what your options will look like from the end user perspective as you select things in real time.
- There needs to be a better explanation of how the levels of a curriculum work together in the end parcel.
- The search function can be a bit tricky some times if you have a complex naming convention system.
- It has provided a time saving avenue for us to organize and automate our required safety classes, especially those classes that come around each year.
- Our classes and offerings are all organized in one area now and our employees are able to sign up for the classes they want without having to track them as much.
- There is an excellent email system that allows for triggered emails and takes the guess work out of tracking.
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