No more pencils, no more books! No more applicant dirty looks!
Updated June 03, 2015

No more pencils, no more books! No more applicant dirty looks!

Dana Mortimer, SPHR | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Software Version


Overall Satisfaction with Hyrell

Hyrell was our choice to transition from all paper applications to an online system. We use it for all hires within the company. The ability to respond to groups of applicants so they don't feel forgotten in the hiring process has enhanced our reputation as a desirable place to work. We have greatly reduced the administrative time needed to receive, review, process and respond to applicants. Less admin time and better communication with applicants!


  • Ability to send status updates to a group of applicants. Candidates love knowing where they stand.
  • Dashboard view - quickly see your candidates and understand your recruiting stats
  • Excellent response to suggestions for improvements and tweaks; great customer service team.


  • Hyrell is very good responding to suggestions. They are currently working on several suggestions including increasing site response speed; creating a wizard-type process when building new position openings and incorporating mandatory postings into the system.
  • Reduced administrative time to receive and respond to resume.
  • Increased confidence that all applicants are in one place, seeing the same information and are being evaluated with the same criteria.
  • Increased satisfaction from job applicants due to the increased communication through the Hyrell system.
  • ApplicantONE,ApplicantPRO
There are many applicant tracking systems out there. Many were too big, involved and complex (expensive) for a small company hiring at one location. I tried out several other systems; Hyrell was the cleanest interface, most intuitive and offered better functionality than the competition.
Hyrell has met all of our needs for an online application system. The setup was very smooth, price is right and backend support is responsive. I tried two other applicant tracking systems and reviewed a couple dozen before selecting Hyrell. It's proven to be a good choice.

KeldairHR Feature Ratings

Job Requisition Management
Company Website Posting
Publish to Social Media
Job Search Site Posting
Customized Application Form
Resume Management
Duplicate Candidate Prevention
Candidate Search
Applicant Tracking
Email Templates
User Permissions
Notifications and Alerts

Using Hyrell

10 - HR, Admin, Hiring Managers
2 - Very little inhouse support is needed. We have two super-users who can answer almost any question very quickly. A quick call or email to Hyrell resolves any other questions.
  • Hiring a high volume of seasonal employees
  • Hiring a key management position
  • Keep applicants apprised of the hiring process on a regular basis.
  • We will continue to tweak our job postings to target the right applicants. Hyrell makes it easy to review what worked in that hiring process and change it for the next time.
Integration with our business website is seamless. Customer service remains excellent. No reason to change.

Hyrell Implementation

Change management was a small part of the implementation and was well-handled

Hyrell Support

Once you know the product, there is not a lot of support needed. The system is stable and easy to use. When there is a question, response time is minimal and prompt.
Quick Resolution
Good followup
Knowledgeable team
Problems get solved
Kept well informed
No escalation required
Immediate help available
Support understands my problem
Support cares about my success
Quick Initial Response
Yes - Yup!
When I was trying to post my first job, I was frustrated and couldn't get the system to do what I needed. Turns out, I had discovered a bug. I was at a conference away from my office and I remember finding a quiet corner in this huge conference center. Hyrell arranged a time to connect with me, helped me get connect to them through my iPad, placed me into a conference call with the developers and the customer service rep and we solved the problem. The team really bent over backwards to resolve the issue completely and connect with me when connecting was not easy or convenient.

Using Hyrell

Meets all expectations for application processing. Does a great job of pushing the job ad out to multiple online job boards. Provides good email alerts. Relatively easy to use even for my supervisors who are only in the system on occasion.
Like to use
Relatively simple
Easy to use
Technical support not required
Well integrated
Quick to learn
  • Dashboard - quick data view
  • Candidate scoring
  • Tracking communication with the applicant
  • Printing resumes (resume formats sometimes lost when the applicant cut and pastes into the application)
  • Speed of page loads

Hyrell Reliability

Consistent performance. Continuous software improvement. Excellent customer service.


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