IBM Virtual Servers for Cloud are best in market
May 09, 2021

IBM Virtual Servers for Cloud are best in market

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with IBM Cloud Virtual Servers

We use IBM Cloud Virtual Servers for IT department purposes serving the whole organization. We use the Iaas facility services for our work. It is very cost-effective compared to other vendors and we are also able to scale it easily and effectively. The time taken to deploy it is extremely fast and also the security offered is of a very good grade.


  • Security
  • Speed
  • Cost


  • The cost for buying the product is severely high compared to other vendors.
  • The documentation and implementation is complex and confusing.
  • Most of the services are being disabled/deactivated.
  • Cost is high
  • Easier to deploy
  • Scalability is much easier than other providers.
It helps our association pay the increasing amounts over a period of time. This is actually helpful and quite beneficial for smaller companies like us where money plays a huge role in deciding our vendor.
We can select the location of the server or multiple servers since some projects might be focused on a particular region. The security is quite amazing compared to others. There will be a high-security level as it's not common.
We used to have our virtual machines at a contender, however, IBMs item range is substantially more practical which expanded our ROI. When I started using IBM for all my hosting solutions, I became a really big fan. They have well-built security and other features.
  • IBM Cloud for VMware solutions
  • rIBM Cloud container registry
Using IBM Virtual Servers, we can host a number of various sites, from WordPress to custom-made programs as per the requirement of the client. They are also used for huge data set jobs requiring high I/O execution and low-dormancy execution. The servers are quite fast for most of the scenarios. The Iaas deployment is top-notch.

IBM Cloud Virtual Servers for VPC Feature Ratings

Service-level Agreement (SLA) uptime
Dynamic scaling
Pre-configured templates
Monitoring tools
Pre-defined machine images
Operating system support
Security controls


  • Prem D'Cruz | TrustRadius Reviewer
    Thank you so much for your excellent review. Please let us know how we can assist you further or if you would like to join our reference program.

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