Organized Book of Accounts
Overall Satisfaction with Predictive Playbooks
Groupon is using Playbooks to make our work quicker and more efficient. We needed a way to take the busy work out of our day-to-day so we could focus on the bigger picture of sales, and Playbooks is the key to that. Playbooks has changed our daily tasks for the better.
- Playbooks has helped me complete tasks more efficiently than before by scheduling them for me and reminding me of them quicker.
- Playbooks has made emailing faster by automatically filling in templates.
- Playbooks has eliminated having to have a ton of tabs of accounts open at once.
- I wish Playbooks saved the comments I made when dispositioning calls so I didn't have to always type "DM not in" or "left message w/ GK".
- I wish Playbooks opened our salesforce view a little quicker when going through accounts.
- I wish calling multiple numbers on one account was a little smoother.
- Improved rep efficiency
- Improved rep productivity
- Improved rep sales (i.e. contacting DMs quicker)
Playbooks is more efficient than Salesforce in letting me organize my day and know exactly who I need to call and when.
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