Jira making workflow management easy
July 25, 2021

Jira making workflow management easy

Ben Williams | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Jira Software

Jira is currently used as our project management and workflow tool. We use it to keep track of where members of the team are on projects, monitor outstanding jobs, and provide detail around expectations and processes. This is used across the whole company and brings visibility to much of the development work on a wide variety of projects.


  • Customization of workflows and processes.
  • Allows easy access to updates and communication.
  • Links well with Git.


  • Customization of colors and formatting.
  • Easier control over emails being sent.
  • Visibility of projects.
  • Ease of use.
  • Customization.
  • Easy accountability of errors and projects.
  • Monitoring of project goals.
  • Allow a developer to follow correct workflow.

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Jira is well suited to managing project work and workflows. Keeping tabs on people’s progress and monitoring what part of a project the work is currently on. It’s appropriate for linking work to GIT and keeping a track of this. Less appropriate for technical discussions and deep dives into issues as it’s hard to follow and track this on there. Less appropriate to keep running commentary of work.


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