NetBase for Sales = $$$!
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Overall Satisfaction
As a Sales Executives I use NetBase to learn about prospective buyers, i.e. their social standing, what the industry is reporting, who is communicating about both industry and prospect, and you can visually identify their positive/negative sentiments trends and the buzz that supports the trends. The results can then be used as door opening conversations for prospective clients of NetBase and it applies to all the other solutions SAP sells. With NetBase it is easy to get the data points and the visual represntation of the data also communicates very will in emails. Pictures say a thousand words so I don't have to. This marketing approach has opened conversations with C-Suite executives as well as LOB leaders including HR, Marketing, Finance, and IT. I consider NetBase my most valuable demand generation tool.
- The NetBase user interface is very easy and promotes fast user adoption. The online tutorials helped me understand what to modify in my search criteria to quickly and accurately pinpoint relevant information. The web is huge and with good filtering you can get relevant content much faster when you understand how to filter in/out content.
- The graphical representation of the data is outstanding and I like that I can self-maintain how the content is displayed. This includes timelines, colors, fonts, geographies, graph options and more.
- The ability to identify a trend or an anomaly is valuable. For example if I am following an industry and a piece of legislation, or an event (be it natural or human created) impacts that industry the media will start reporting and the social world will start posting and NetBase displays the buzz as it is happening. As a result I can immediately use the information to further a conversation to further a sales opportunity. Who knows, I may have a solution that address a business problem which occurred as a result of the event.
- The ability to save multiple searches/topics is a great way to monitor multiple areas of interest.
- The out-of-the-box templates are great way to fast start your user experience!
- How about an App for that. :-)
- Faster access to C-Suite
- Faster access to LOB.
- Faster conversion from "new" to "in process" in the sales cycle.
Pros | Cons |
Like to use Relatively simple Easy to use Technical support not required Well integrated Consistent Quick to learn Convenient Feel confident using Familiar | None |
- The templates are great!
- Disambiguation is important and the support material helps you learn how to apply filters to suppor disambiguation.
- Changing the timelines and views are very easy.
- It is not the function of disambiguation but rather the practice of disambiguation that needs to be refined to zero in on the truth.
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