Easy to use and user friendly for the end user
March 15, 2022
Easy to use and user friendly for the end user

Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with PerfectServe
I currently use this product to send private protected information from myself to other healthcare professional providers to assist with the improvement of the patient's health treatment plan. This product works great as long as the other provider has access or is available to use this tool for communication. Due to its continued reliance on this service, it can be very difficult when the system goes down for scheduled maintenance or unexpected downtime.
- Efficiency.
- Protective information.
- Increased communication.
- Ease of use.
- Shorten downtime services.
- Ability to schedule individuals to respond to on call groups.
- Privacy and security.
- Improved communication for those who use it.
- Difficulty when sudden downtime with need for back up plan.
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