Save your money and find something else
Updated July 23, 2019
Save your money and find something else

Score 1 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with Proofpoint Targeted Attack Protection for Email
We purchased this for our full-time fac/staff and attempted to get this for our students as 'included' since they slipped by our legal to not include our students first off. We had to pay a ton to get the students included. Also, EOP based AV does a better job of blocking bad attachments. The best use case I can give you is if you put the phishing link inside a PDF TAP, it will send it on clean. MS AV will catch it every time. I watch the TAP alerts on misses, and I will pull the message with Get-Messagetrace and its details; sure enough, it got caught there!
- Slowing down mail flow for scanning.
- Limiting to a specific sub group of your org.
- Sending lots of mail unthrottled by default.
- Stopping bad mail.
- Hashing spam emails in a more efficient way.
- Our users complained for months that they were getting more spam then our old solution.
- The digest was confusing especially combining 365 filters. It resulted in large numbers of tickets to track mail.
- Microsoft 365 Business, Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection (Hexadite AIRS) and Barracuda Email Security Service
It is terrible, especially for the cost. If I am going to pay for a Lamborghini I expect performance. If my cheap GEO Metro can go just as fast while also saving me lots of money, why drive the Lambo?
Proofpoint Targeted Attack Protection (TAP) Feature Ratings
Using Proofpoint Targeted Attack Protection for Email
30000 - Education, Libraries, medical, business etc.
12 - We range from Security to just email. There is a shared between the teams.
- They sold our execs without any proof of concept
- Used Encryption until we switched to 365 encryption
- Using TAP but find the ATP works better
- Turned off SPAM scanning due to inconsistency
- Using it for SPF and Malware mostly now
- TAP is great for our security team to identify misses by proofpoint we almost always find 365 catches the misses
- TAP URL is nice, but ATP has it and does not mal-form the links
- My person hope is to get off Proofpoint and move to 365
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