Riverbed Modeler, Design, Improve, Networks, Easy
May 28, 2019

Riverbed Modeler, Design, Improve, Networks, Easy

Jatin Gupta | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Riverbed Modeler

Riverbed Modeler is used by our organization for research purposes, i.e. for student's thesis work who are willing to work in the field of networking. It is not used across the organization, but only in the research department of engineering. It addresses major business problems like evaluating the performance of a designed or proposed network with the help of a simulation, and transmitting real-time traffic. The results are presented in an excellent way with the help of graphs. Once we are satisfied with the network performance, we can implement it in real time instead of deploying a network without estimating its performance.


  • Using Riverbed Modeler, the Adhoc networks are designed very effectively, and all routing protocols are available. We can also enhance routing performance by varying certain parameters, like hello packets.
  • VANET's are implemented with real scenarios and the real import of traffic.
  • Zigbee networks are designed and evaluated using Modeler, and new devices are added from the cloud.
  • The 3DNV view provides a real 3D scenarios view and working simulation, but it needs a separate license.


  • Riverbed Modeler needs to improve the scenarios of LAN MAN WAN, as the available scenarios under all of these follow a simple area structure that's not connected to the ISP when it comes to simulation. This generates dummy traffic.
  • Riverbed Modeler also needs to work on the selection of result sets so that, as with most designed networks, we can select any result parameter to show. All the parameters are displayed, whether they are relevant or not. It needs to display only relevant result parameters to select.
  • The back-end TCP/IP model needs more clarity to expose the structure to some changes.
  • It comes with a costly paid license, but simulating the network before actual deployment saves a lot of costs, in case after deployment we feel performance is not good and we need to change. This would waste a lot of money, but Riverbed saves this money.
  • Its OPNET GURU academic edition is available free of cost, but with limited functionality, which is good for students in maximum case. This will degrade our sale of Riverbed Modeler.
  • A one-time investment in Modeler saves a lot of cost regarding networks, topology, designing, and provides a lifetime license with updates.
There exist many simulation simulators like NS2, but Riverbed Modeler is one of the simulators which introduces the GUI interface for networking. The platform just changes the scenario of networking, as it makes it so easy to understand and implement. The functionality almost listed every possible network in the world, which is not given by any other tool. Moreover, it is releasing updated versions to match with the latest technology.
Riverbed Modeler is well suited for wireless, wired, ZigBee, and Cisco networks. All these scenarios are efficiently designed and simulated using Riverbed Modeler, as all the devices are available in its object pallet, so we just need to drag and drop for the best scenario design in the given dimensions. The simulation results are around 95% accurate. However, it is not suited for data security, as data encryption algorithms are not available in Riverbed Modeler.


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