Managing the infrastructure is easy with servicenow
March 25, 2022
Managing the infrastructure is easy with servicenow

Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with ServiceNow App Engine
ServiceNow App Engine is used in our organization to raise any request to the client. Or the client uses it to raise any concern regarding security. It solves the issue of maintaining track of request. It can be used if a user needs any approval from any authority. It can be used by multiple groups in a project, which helps in getting information regarding anything from other groups.
- Raising request to the client side .
- Maintaining record of work flows.
- Connecting with other groups in a project.
- Improve the UI of the environment
- The left panel in service now is clumsy that can be improved.
- Connect service now with callers email for any notification related to any incident raised.
- Helps in raising incidents.
- It keeps record of infrastructure.
- If client have any security related concern can contact the security team by service now.
- It has a positive impact on our business.
- Clients security concerns are solved using service now
- It maintains record of large infrastructure.
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