Excellent team suite to support a compliant software development lifecycle
March 03, 2019

Excellent team suite to support a compliant software development lifecycle

Heinz Rothe | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with SpiraTeam

We use SpiraTeam in the whole organization in our German office as well as in our US subsidiary. We are using SpiraTeam for requirements management, test planning, and execution as well as incident tracking. As a company providing customized software development for the health care industry we are in a strongly regulated marked (FDA, IVD) and need a solid tool with a full audit trail, versioning, and multi-user environment as well as provide online access to our clients.


  • Very easy to use.
  • Entire collaboration suite for the software development lifecycle.
  • Configurable to particular project needs.


  • Reporting could be made a bit easier.
  • Some functions are not always absolutely intuitive.
  • Document baselining can be tricky.
  • Some configuration can only be done in the database and is not explained as by the books.
  • Collaboration within the teams was much easier.
  • Integration of clients was seamless.
  • The price and value are better compared to the product we used before.
The ease of use, the configurable options per project, and the price were clear pluses for SpiraTeam.
Overall, it is very easy to integrate. I would rate it 10 if it would provide an option to work offline on a set of requirements. For example, when traveling on an airplane without good enough internet access.
The usability is excellent in most cases but lacks some intuitive functions, such as a copy to the clipboard for selected items. In fact, in an older version, a COPY button copied all selected records rather than putting it on the clipboard. The button has been renamed recently to CLONE, otherwise, my rating would be lower.
It is easy to define structures and documentation "modules". This allows for a workgroup-oriented approach and supports SCRUM. However, in the medical device market SCRUM does not work well for documentation. Therefore the modularized approach on the requirements and testing side supports sprint development, while the depth of documentation needed for compliance may not be "ready" and can be completed later.


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