SurePayroll ... near-perfect for small business!
October 25, 2018

SurePayroll ... near-perfect for small business!

Rob Siders | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with SurePayroll

I use SurePayroll as an end to end payroll processor and tax collection/payment system. Between client projects and business development, I have limited time for a lot of the important administrative things ... like filing and paying my quarterly taxes and keeping abreast of changes to various federal and state employment laws. SurePayroll handles it so I can focus on other stuff.


  • Filing and paying quarterly taxes
  • Payroll, soup-to-nuts
  • Employee self-service


  • My chief complaint is the software sometimes requires me to have a code sent to my phone before I can continue with some process. That in itself is fine. The problem is the check box that lets SurePayroll remember the computer doesn't actually do that. I select that check box every time, but the software doesn't remember me or my computer.
  • Fees have creeped higher every year over the last two or three years. I feel like I'm nitpicking here, though. What I spend for the service is reasonably priced for the amount of headaches it prevents.
  • I have a case where an employee is sometimes salaried and sometimes contract. There's not a way to handle that without terminating him when he needs to switch.
  • I don't have any hard numbers for this. I have fewer headaches where this stuff is concerned and that's enough to keep me using it.
SurePayroll is a near-perfect way for small business owners, who often handle many roles, to stay on top of all things payroll. I even recommend it for single-member LLCs, as paying yourself on the regular---and making sure taxes get handled---can be tough. SurePayroll eliminates a lot of the administrative stress that comes with the territory.

SurePayroll Feature Ratings

Pay calculation
Benefit plan administration
Not Rated
Direct deposit files
Salary revision and increment management


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