Buddy Punch vs. Output Time

ProductRatingMost Used ByProduct SummaryStarting Price
Buddy Punch
Score 6.3 out of 10
Small Businesses (1-50 employees)
Buddy Punch is an online time tracking and scheduling application. Track time, time off, locations, and jobs. The solution aims to help punching in & out intuitive for employees & easy for users to view & export time. Employees can clock in using a browser or the Buddy Punch Google, iOS, & Android apps. Users can view who's working, their GPS position or even limit where they can punch. The solution integrates with QuickBooks, ADP, Paychex, & SurePayroll while also offering Excel exports. …
per month per user
Output Time
Score 9.1 out of 10
Output Time is a collaboration tool that bundles Project management, Time tracking, Invoicing, Team Collaboration and Expenses Management etc. It is available as Online and Self-Hosted Project Management versions.N/A
Buddy PunchOutput Time
Editions & Modules
Time & Attendance
per month per user
Time & Attendance + Scheduling
per month per user
per month per user
No answers on this topic
Pricing Offerings
Buddy PunchOutput Time
Free Trial
Free/Freemium Version
Premium Consulting/Integration Services
Entry-level Setup FeeNo setup fee$4 per user per month
Additional DetailsWe offer three plans, each with a monthly or annual payment option. Each plan has a per user price and a base fee of $19. There are no startup, cancellation, support, or additional fees of any kind.—
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Community Pulse
Buddy PunchOutput Time
Top Pros
Top Cons
Buddy PunchOutput Time
Project Management
Comparison of Project Management features of Product A and Product B
Buddy Punch
Output Time
1 Ratings
1% below category average
Task Management00 Ratings9.11 Ratings
Resource Management00 Ratings7.31 Ratings
Gantt Charts00 Ratings8.21 Ratings
Scheduling00 Ratings4.51 Ratings
Support for Agile Methodology00 Ratings7.31 Ratings
Support for Waterfall Methodology00 Ratings7.31 Ratings
Timesheet Tracking00 Ratings9.11 Ratings
Budget and Expense Management00 Ratings7.31 Ratings
Professional Services Automation
Comparison of Professional Services Automation features of Product A and Product B
Buddy Punch
Output Time
1 Ratings
15% below category average
Invoicing00 Ratings5.51 Ratings
Project & financial reporting00 Ratings7.31 Ratings
Best Alternatives
Buddy PunchOutput Time
Small Businesses
Score 9.2 out of 10
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Medium-sized Companies
Paypro Workforce Management
Paypro Workforce Management
Score 9.6 out of 10
SAP Ruum
SAP Ruum
Score 9.0 out of 10
Score 8.5 out of 10
Score 9.2 out of 10
All AlternativesView all alternativesView all alternatives
User Ratings
Buddy PunchOutput Time
Likelihood to Recommend
(21 ratings)
(1 ratings)
User Testimonials
Buddy PunchOutput Time
Likelihood to Recommend
Buddy Punch
I think that is very convenient as far as tracking your employees when they are punching in or out to ensure they are physically at the location they are supposed to be for that shift. I also think that the option to download this app to your personal phone is amazing, it makes it more convenient to punch in or out when you aren't near a laptop or a residence to use one. The feature of being able to attach a note with your punches explaining possible late punchers or absences is very beneficial to the employee allows show proof if needed.
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Srimax Software System
Is well suitable for agencies, consultancy businesses and law firms.
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Buddy Punch
  • Their customer service is second to none. We have requested several changes over the years for the web interface and app; I think all the requests we've made were implemented by this point. I only wish this was the case with other companies we utilize.
  • They allow you to set different pay rates based on department which allows us to pay employees more for the skilled jobs they perform versus the more basic work they perform. This is a huge benefit to a small company as it encourages employees to strive for more skilled work and they keep moving up the ladder to become even better assets to the company.
  • The reports you can run are very thorough and work very well for us when it comes time to enter payroll.
  • Having the ability to set alerts has allowed us to cut back on unnecessary overtime as employees can get reminders prior to going over. We can also set reminders for employees to punch in/out for the ones that have a tendency to forget.
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Srimax Software System
  • Time Management
  • Project Management
  • Expenses Management
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Buddy Punch
  • Sometimes I need to check back to be sure I'm still punched in.
  • The indicator between punched in and out is not very indicative of if I am or not.
  • I want to total hours not just by the week but by pay periods 1-15 days, 16-end of [the] month.
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Srimax Software System
  • Some times the data on the Project View is not consistent with the task view or the time view.
  • The software doesn't handle cache right
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Alternatives Considered
Buddy Punch
We originally scheduled and ran payroll through Homebase, but in the last few months the software became very buggy, customer service was slow and when they did respond, was not helpful. When we cancelled our account they didn't even try to make things right. We are so happy that Buddy Punch is like us--taking care of their clients and really invested in their success!
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Srimax Software System
It has all the thing need it included on the price, and works perfectly online. I didn't have to rely on third-parties to get basic features like time management or budget management. Also the setup process is quite easy and fast, we were able to setup this and migrate all our data in less than a day.
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Return on Investment
Buddy Punch
  • Efficiency has definitely gone up switching to Buddy Punch. Ive never quantified specific hours or time lapse it has given to my personal managerial efficiency. But it has without doubt.
  • I can see a better overview of the employees I need to be concerned with and not have to filter out others not concerning me.
  • Ease of use has decreased mental stress and angst in maneuvering employee time cards.
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Srimax Software System
  • We had reduced hour times managing projects drastically.
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Buddy Punch Screenshots

Screenshot of The Administrator's DashboardScreenshot of Time Off CalendarScreenshot of Schedule View

Output Time Screenshots

Screenshot of Simple DashboardScreenshot of Users ListScreenshot of Projects ListScreenshot of Time Sheet ManagementScreenshot of Time Sheets ApprovalScreenshot of Time Sheet - My Team - Month View