EstimateOne vs. Fourth Procurement and Inventory

ProductRatingMost Used ByProduct SummaryStarting Price
Score 10.0 out of 10
EstimateOne is where the Australian commercial construction industry meet during tender time. The vendor boasts being the biggest public tender noticeboard in Australia. EstimateOne aims to help subbies find and manage upcoming work opportunities that are relevant for their trade. On the other side of the fence, they help builders distribute and manage large volumes of drawings and documents, across multiple projects.N/A
Fourth Procurement and Inventory
Score 8.0 out of 10
Fourth Procurement and Inventory is software that ties together procurement, 3-way matching, inventory and recipe control. It’s fully integrated, mobile-friendly and can be accessed with a single login. Using predicted sales functionality and analytics, it lets the user forecast demand more accurately.N/A
EstimateOneFourth Procurement and Inventory
Editions & Modules
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Pricing Offerings
EstimateOneFourth Procurement and Inventory
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Premium Consulting/Integration Services
Entry-level Setup FeeNo setup feeNo setup fee
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EstimateOneFourth Procurement and Inventory
Top Pros
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EstimateOneFourth Procurement and Inventory
Construction Project & Field Management
Comparison of Construction Project & Field Management features of Product A and Product B
7 Ratings
15% below category average
Fourth Procurement and Inventory
Document sharing6.06 Ratings00 Ratings
RFI tools6.96 Ratings00 Ratings
Collaboration & approvals6.77 Ratings00 Ratings
Specifications6.77 Ratings00 Ratings
Best Alternatives
EstimateOneFourth Procurement and Inventory
Small Businesses
FollowUp CRM
FollowUp CRM
Score 10.0 out of 10
Score 10.0 out of 10
Medium-sized Companies
Autodesk BIM Collaborate Pro
Autodesk BIM Collaborate Pro
Score 9.3 out of 10
Score 8.6 out of 10
Autodesk BIM Collaborate Pro
Autodesk BIM Collaborate Pro
Score 9.3 out of 10
Score 8.6 out of 10
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User Ratings
EstimateOneFourth Procurement and Inventory
Likelihood to Recommend
(8 ratings)
(4 ratings)
(1 ratings)
(0 ratings)
Support Rating
(2 ratings)
(4 ratings)
User Testimonials
EstimateOneFourth Procurement and Inventory
Likelihood to Recommend
EstimateOne is well suited for subcontractors or builders alike to streamline the process of tendering on projects. It is a fantastic platform for anyone really, whether you are starting your business and need to build a client base or have an already established business and want to find more projects to tender on. It can be difficult at times to know where you stand after submitting a price, a strong follow up process or CRM is something you should consider before using the platform to keep track of key contacts and jobs you have priced.
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HotSchedules and Fourth
The product is user-friendly in automating the tasks, managing the master data through central purchasing, and creating custom reports. It lacks certain basic functionalities like a record of wastages, sending automated emails confirming if the automatic tasks (scheduled tasks) have been completed or not, and the ability to automate the nutrition information, etc.
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  • Document access to projects on tender.
  • Easy access to tenders and all commercial projects and their status.
  • Good communication details with estimators.
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HotSchedules and Fourth
  • The 'stock management' tab on the home screen is of particular use when keeping tabs on incoming deliveries into the restaurant.
  • The option to open and close your stock period is great as you have the chance to edit your stock at a moment's notice.
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  • 5 free passes for $10,000,000 opportunities as a further way for members to experience what they will receive in the next level up.
  • Option to submit video testimonials.
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HotSchedules and Fourth
  • It would help massively to see via Enterprise and menu items what ones are no longer active, to keep the data tidy.
  • When you take purchase reports from Enterprise and select to organise them by category, show the name of the category on the actual report download.
  • Quick and easy upload/download of supplier products for correcting prices, descriptions, prices in bulk.
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EstimateOne is easy to use, the user interface is designed to be simple yet functional - many other platforms I have used are much more cumbersome to navigate and don't offer as much functionality. Everything has been thought out well with EstimateOne - it seems to have been designed by people who have worked in the industry.
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HotSchedules and Fourth
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Support Rating
Abby Tuong is an incredible employee who is EstimateOne. Her proactiveness, willingness to listen and help, and customer focus is second to none. With that level of support, it is no wonder EstimateOne has such rave reviews and is clearly the choice in the market.
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HotSchedules and Fourth
Too long to get an answer.
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Alternatives Considered
I think EstimateOne may have a broader database (not sure); but certainly I feel it is very thorough in the searchability for suitable projects
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HotSchedules and Fourth
No answers on this topic
Return on Investment
  • We are hoping for a positive impact and positive ROI since Covid-19 has effectively stopped our personal engagement opportunities with builders and architects
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HotSchedules and Fourth
  • Procurement: Integrating some of the key suppliers with Trade Simple has saved labour hours.
  • Integration: GL Integrations have increased the efficiency and quality of data.
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EstimateOne Screenshots

Screenshot of Main Interface of Noticeboard

Fourth Procurement and Inventory Screenshots

Screenshot of Screenshot of Screenshot of