Hive Technology offers their eponymous project management and process management application, providing integrations with many popularly used applications for productivity, cloud storage, and collaboration.
per month per user
Score 8.3 out of 10
SingleStore aims to enable organizations to scale from one to one million customers, handling SQL, JSON, full text and vector workloads in one unified platform.
Hive is a powerful tool for data analysis and management that is well-suited for a wide range of scenarios. Here are some specific examples of scenarios where Hive might be particularly well-suited: Data warehousing: Hive is often used as a data warehousing platform, allowing users to store and analyze large amounts of structured and semi-structured data. It is especially good at handling data that is too large to be stored and analyzed on a single machine, and supports a wide variety of data formats. Batch processing: Hive is designed for batch processing of large datasets, making it well-suited for tasks such as data ETL (extract, transform, load), data cleansing, and data aggregation.Simple queries on large datasets: Hive is optimized for simple queries on large datasets, making it a good choice for tasks such as data exploration and summary statistics. Data transformation: Hive allows users to perform data transformations and manipulations using custom scripts written in Java, Python, or other programming languages. This can be useful for tasks such as data cleansing, data aggregation, and data transformation. On the other hand, here are some specific examples of scenarios where Hive might be less appropriate: Real-time queries: Hive is a batch-oriented system, which means that it is designed to process large amounts of data in a batch mode rather than in real-time. While it is possible to use Hive for real-time queries, it may not be the most efficient choice for this type of workload. Complex queries: Hive is optimized for simple queries on large datasets, but may struggle with more complex queries or queries that require multiple joins or subqueries.Very large datasets: While Hive is designed to scale horizontally and can handle large amounts of data, it may not scale as well as some other tools for very large datasets or complex workloads.
Well-Suited Scenarios: Real-Time Analytics: Financial trading platforms requiring instant insights. Operational Dashboards: Retail businesses monitoring live sales. IoT Data Processing: Smart device monitoring with high data ingestion. Fraud Detection: Banks detect suspicious transactions instantly. Less Appropriate Scenarios: Archival Storage: Cold data storage with infrequent access. Low-Volume Workloads: Small-scale apps with minimal data processing needs. Complex ETL Pipelines: Heavy data transformations without real-time demands.
Simplicity, it offers a clean environment without risking the outcome. An example of this are the timesheets that allow a fast way to keep track of progress
Interaction, the different options make it faster and easier to interact and collaborate in the development of a product. An example of this would be Hive Notes for meetings
The different visualisations it offers allow to explore the best ways to affront your projects. I really like the Gantt mappings view to understand who can be contacted at each point
It does not release a patch to have back porting; it just releases a new version and stops support; it's difficult to keep up to that pace.
Support engineers lack expertise, but they seem to be improving organically.
Lacks enterprise CDC capability: Change data capture (CDC) is a process that tracks and records changes made to data in a database and then delivers those changes to other systems in real time.
For enterprise-level backup & restore capability, we had to implement our model via Velero snapshot backup.
[Until it is] supported on AWS ECS containers, I will reserve a higher rating for SingleStore. Right now it works well on EC2 and serves our current purpose, [but] would look forward to seeing SingleStore respond to our urge of feature in a shorter time period with high quality and security.
SingleStore Performance is excellent and concurrency that it supports is amazing compared to other DB technologies. It scales out pretty well by adding leaf nodes as the data grows. Pipelines are the strongest feature of SingleStore, which eliminates writing manual code to ingest data from Kafka, S3, and Hadoop systems, and it does that parallelly.
Our CSR is easily accessible and they have support built into the app itself. They also have a pretty robust support site. We also took advantage of the free trial and learned so much by putting Hive through the paces and figuring out the best way to mold it to our needs.
The support deep dives into our most complexed queries and bizarre issues that sometimes only we get comparing to other clients. Our special workload (thousands of Kafka pipelines + high concurrency of queries). The response match to the priority of the request, P1 gets immediate return call. Missing features are treated, they become a client request and being added to the roadmap after internal consideration on all client needs and priority. Bugs are patched quite fast, depends on the impact and feasible temporary workarounds. There is no issue that we haven't got a proper answer, resolution or reasoning
We allowed 2-3 months for a thorough evaluation. We saw pretty quickly that we were likely to pick SingleStore, so we ported some of our stored procedures to SingleStore in order to take a deeper look. Two SingleStore people worked closely with us to ensure that we did not have any blocking problems. It all went remarkably smoothly.
Hive is a bit different than Jira and Monday, which I used mostly. Overall does a great job managing project and helps with team communication. Removes dependency of asking team members for updates by going to conference rooms. With Hive, the team updates the status, and we can easily track it.
SingleStore is built for fast data ingestion and fast queries against large tables (> billions of rows). This is possible because of the column store engine that SingleStore uses. SingleStore also support a memory engine. Pipelines is also another big advantage. Being able to ingest data from S3 (and loading new data) without adding any additional services (with just 1 SQL query) is pretty cool. SingleStore is also pushing hard with vector engine. It is becoming a single storage solution.
As the overall performance and functionality were expanded, we are able to deliver our data much faster than before, which increases the demand for data.
Metadata is available in the platform by default, like metadata on the pipelines. Also, the information schema has lots of metadata, making it easy to load our assets to the data catalog.