Jiminny helps commercial teams maximize their revenue through conversation intelligence. Jiminnycan record, transcribe and analyze conversations, giving users access to customer insights and full visibility into performance. Jiminny also helps to turn great sales leaders into great sales coaches, enabling users to drive change across sales teams with the goal of building high performing revenue generating teams.
per month per user
Score 8.8 out of 10
Telonium is a telephony and VoIP software solution from Telonium.
Jiminny is a really useful tool for logging all activity of the sales, customer success and other customer-facing roles. It allows you to watch calls on demand, skipping to certain areas or topics thanks to Jiminny's conversational intelligence tool. This is great for knowledge sharing and transparency, as well as providing opportunities for coaching and development. There is some room for improvement, for instance with its current use of AI and automations to make it easier for the sales reps to share summaries of their calls with their prospects or clients, as well as the wider team.
Telonium enables us to keep your voice systems automated, allowing us to receive all incoming calls and route them to the appropriate person in your office. We are notified whenever a voicemail message is left on your desk. You can play the voicemail without dialing if you receive an e-mail notification.We can customize our phone system from anywhere. There is no need to schedule a technician to visit your site and make adjustments because all phones are delivered ready to connect. We can use this program to prevent unsolicited telemarketers and phone calls from reaching our phones. It is the ideal solution for a better and safer phone service, with a high percentage of filtered calls in our favor. Telonium makes it as simple as possible for us to launch or relocate your service. When our customers and prospects call you, we only need to provide a few pieces of information, and Telonium will handle the rest. When you need to make changes to your system, all it takes is a phone call or a visit to a customer web portal to make immediate changes.However a high-speed Internet connection is required at the location where the phone will be used.
The control panel function is very good because we can see the progress and work of the agents, individually and also as a group with the different work teams.
We have found the call scripts very useful, especially with new agents who still don't know very well how to conduct the conversation with customers.
I think the omnichannel support is great because all the communication channels are in the same program, which makes our work easier.
It is an intuitive user experience and overall pretty easy to navigate the platform. The embedded video recording for each video call is very useful, and the conversational intelligence elements that appear alongside, such as the themes and statistics are also very useful. You can easily navigate to the most important parts of calls, or the sections that you want to focus on.
Using our Customer Portal, you can customize your phone system from anywhere - all phones are delivered ready to connect! There is no longer any need to schedule a technician to come to your site and make adjustments. Automated operators enable automated systems to accept all incoming calls and route them to the appropriate person in your office.
Jiminny allows us to 'remember' things that were said on previous calls both in terms of rapport building and deal negotiations that put us in a much better position with our clients.
We can see how our agents and customer service staff have become more focused on their tasks and have been more effective and successful in resolving customer requests. The system is quite easy to install and use, so we didn't have any inconvenience, so without a doubt, our profit margin increased.