Magisto in Menlo Park offers their video editing application to marketing teams, featuring an A.I. powered workflow with professional class effects, distribution and native video player.
Score 7.8 out of 10
Screencastify is a suite of video-creation tools for the classroom, from the company of the same name Chicago. It is used in K-12 classrooms around the world, for teachers and students, to create instructional videos, record presentations, and give better feedback, and to support remote learning.
I think Magisto is well-suited for individuals, businesses, and brands that want to create marketing videos that are on the shorter side. I don't think Magisto is a good match for someone seeking to create long, informative videos, streaming videos, etc. It is also good for someone who is working to brand every aspect of their business. Magisto helps with that.
Screencastify is great for beginning video creators or teachers who need a tool to quickly record a screen. For those with a budget, the paid features offers basic editing and the ability to embed questions, which can make for a more polished and meaningful video. Screencastify is not for users who want to create a more polished video with an introduction or other media that needs to be included, such as background music or other images. My go to - if it's quick and easy, use Screencastify. If I want to make in-depth edits, use another solution.
It would be great if Magisto would allow significantly longer videos—20 to 30 minutes. I've often wondered why Magisto focuses on shorter videos and only recently began allowing videos that are 10 minutes maximum.
I would love for Magisto to offer an affiliate program. I publish a lot of videos that I create in Magisto and refer it to many people in the education and dance industries. I would love to be able to do that as a paid affiliate and I'm sure others would as well.
I don't believe I've ever contacted Magisto for support, so I can't really say. The app has only frozen on me a couple of times (recently), and I usually log out and log back in and the error is fixed.
The user experience via Magisto is cleaner and fresher. The professional plan for Animoto started at $29 per month in comparison to $9.99 per month at Magisto.
Loom and Screencastify are the most direct comparison. They both are Chrome extensions that have a low learning curve for beginner users. Loom offers a pro license free to educators, which allows for unlimited numbers of recordings and a 45-minute cap on recording length, perfect for lessons. Screencastify's pro features are paid for but are also more in-depth. Their editing is more robust, allowing users to trim in the middle, not just the edges. Users also get unlimited recordings and no cap on video length, and some storage depending on the tier purchased. Screencastify also offers volume discounts, which can help reduce the cost significantly. Educators can also create assignments in Screencastify, which is unique to this product. Camtasia is a full-fledged editor and screen recorder, so a full comparison isn't fair, since the products have two different intended uses. Camtasia offers robust features to make a polished final video