Microsoft Exchange is a secure email / messaging gateway with file archiving and encryption / data loss capability, available as a hosted service (Exchange Online) or installed (Exchange Server).
In my experience the McAfee Security for Email Servers is well suited for the all the types of organization and their employees who main concern is security for their mailing application. As they need to protect the sensitive data sent and receive through mail and also wants to protect their employee and organizations sensitive data. Also, I don't see any scenario where McAfee Security for Email Server is not suited as every organizations wants to protect their data and employee from the many cyber attacks.
You can use Microsoft Exchange Server with peace of mind for e-mail, calendar, communication, scheduling, and collaboration services. Microsoft's Exchange Server is a product designed to provide users with access to the messaging platform from mobile devices, desktops, and web-based systems. Telephony features in Exchange Server support voicemail. Exchange Server successfully offers high availability service with Microsoft Exchange Database availability groups.
As we have a large user base of 11,000 users we use MailTips to avoid people getting confused with people with similar names in the organization.
The integration between Teams Meeting and Resource booking is generally very good. The Scheduling Assistance makes it easy to scan calendars and find free periods to provisionally scheduled events.
Marking yourself as Out of the Office and busy is easy, as is sharing your calendar within the team/organization or individuals.
Voicemail integration and the ability to receive missed chats in your inbox are highly used and useful.
The two main factors for the better reliability & Uptime of internally hosted Exchange Server depends on Exchange Server configuration and the level of investment the organization is willing to provide for hosting the Exchange Server On-Premise Environment. As the data is stored in the organization’s hardware, any disaster may lead to the loss of email and servers.
Losing data might affect business continuity and rebuilding it can be costly.
Security remains a major concern.
Security of data loss is main concern. To ensure that, organization needs to configure networks, systems and Exchange platform against possible threats.
Microsoft Exchange is well suited for inexperienced Messaging Admins and veterans alike. If you have no idea of the fundamentals of modern email (SMTP, mail headers, MX Records, SPF/DKIM, Encryption, etc.) and just need to get people's mailboxes and calendars the support they need, you can use it with confidence. If you are an old pro and want to leverage and dovetail your Powershell and AD with Exchange, you will be rewarded for your efforts.
We have a good enterprise agreement with Microsoft which affords us quick phone support. I have found the support staff knowledgeable and prompt with a solution when required. At times it may be difficult to schedule a call back, this is mainly due to our need for calls early in the morning which happens to be during a shift change at Microsoft support.
Implementation/conversion can be quite complex and, unless you have certified Exchange administrators in-house, you should strongly consider a 3rd party consultant for this implementation.
The McAfee Security for Email Servers is very robust and compact against many newly generated cyber threats. Also the McAfee Security for Email Servers is very easy to operate and understand. The great thing about the McAfee Security for Email Servers is it's ability to determine the threat pattern and disabled it before it occurs and causes the problem in daily operations is too good.
Most of the 365 subscriptions include desktop and cloud versions of Microsoft programs. These "traditional" software may be installed on a desktop computer and used offline without any problems, as long as you have a working Internet connection. Because so many firms still transmit each others file's developed locally using these applications, despite this being an era of cloud computing– there is a strong case for keeping desktop versions available.
The layer of protection provided by the McAfee Security for Email Servers from cyber attacks is on of the highlight of it.
It is the one of the best solution to prevent your organizations employee to fall prey to the attacks like phishing, spamming and many more.
The most incredible thing McAfee Security for Email Servers does is that it can be great in dealing with the attacks and detection of cyber threats even before they impact your business.
It has been an important factor in allowing seamless communication with clients and scheduling business meetings, which in turn works in the company's favor.
Haven't noticed any negative impact Exchange has had on our ROI. The support team is also responsive and helpful.