Beam Me Up!
June 02, 2016
Beam Me Up!

Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with Bluebeam Revu
Bluebeam allows team members at all levels to quickly and professionally review, edit, and create PDFs. Compared to the competing softwares, Bluebeam is far and away the product of choice that provides ultimate flexibility and the greatest list of features.
- Bluebeam has very powerful batching capabilities, which allows you to make markups or changes to entire folders of PDFs at once.
- Bluebeam has advanced slipsheeting and hyperlinking abilities. This turns a project that would take weeks into a project of a couple of hours.
- Bluebeam's mark-up tools are quick and easy, which is useful in communicating ideas without slowing you down.
- Bluebeam seems to open files and process them slower than Adobe.
- Bluebeam fills a hole in the market place, allowing me to create professional files very quickly. This helps our bottom line directly and indirectly.
- Bluebeam's batching funcationality pays for itself the first time you slipsheet a large batch of revisions.
Bluebeam is more powerful in every way. Bluebeam, perhaps because it is more powerful, does run slower than Adobe Acrobat.
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