Duo provides all the essential component's to keep you secure
Overall Satisfaction with Cisco Duo
We used to login in remotely with our clients when conducting inspections but we also used our staff to login in from home when they telework. It gives great access to off-sites and communications with views of areas we need to review through our clients providing feedback on the program.
- Great video communication
- Link up quality is great and stable
- Excellent audio communication on speaker
- The system works great as it is.
- We give our clients the option used multiple proxies and found that they prefer to use Duo the majority of the time
- Staff uses on a daily basis to set remote secure work communication to our servers. We have had a great experience with very minimal issues.
It's important that our organization maintain a secure communication breach at all times. We handle private information that needs to be protected and having a Duo security application to maintain that secure line is imperative for the organization. Data breaches these days are the main cause of malware and spam corruption into one's servers.
- Zoom
Both systems are great but Duo Mobile's security prompt allows us that extra layer of protection that we need with our organization. We deal with a lot of clients' private information that needs to be maintained confidential.
Do you think Cisco Duo delivers good value for the price?
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Would you buy Cisco Duo again?
Cisco Duo Support
Our systems went down due to a reboot in the server's IT upgrade over a weekend. On the Monday of that workweek, staff started to experience issues with the system which would cease the system to log out automatically. We contacted IT and they were able to provide instructions to help reboot back into our system by rebooting the Duo system and clearing out browser history to help get us back to being productive.
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