When you need help to create manuals without "print screen-ing"
November 15, 2021
When you need help to create manuals without "print screen-ing"

Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with ClickLearn
In our company, ClickLearn is used to make instruction guides for how to use our D365 CE. We have sections for F&Q, General instructions, and then specified guides for different business segments. It is in use in over 30 countries to help salespersons to tackle problems when another support is not available.
- Generate manuals.
- Pronounces text.
- Renaming records, books, shelves.
- Adding new steps.
- Recognizing fields when recording from web browser.
- Generating manuals by recording the steps.
- Help is received faster.
- New customers created faster - Quoting faster made possible.
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