Best in-class version control and CI/CD vendor
June 04, 2021

Best in-class version control and CI/CD vendor

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with GitLab

Within our software research and development group, we're using GitLab and CI/CD tools to develop products and manage releases/test case infrastructure. We are using a self-hosted version of GitLab edition which primarily integrates with our development environment and testing infrastructure automatically. Additionally, the GitLab groups feature is divided among every research group within the organization.


  • Source control
  • CI/CD pipeline


  • Integrate with AWS
  • Integrate with TeamCity
  • Reduce cost.
  • Improved version control.
  • Improved deployment strategy.
We haven't tried out GitLab security vulnerability features to detect and mitigate them. We rely on third-party vendors and static code analysis tools for detecting [and] mitigating security vulnerabilities across the codebase.
GitLab provides excellent integration with continuous integration techniques to deploy [and] test at scale for every branch. As a developer within our team would use the CI feature to test the test cases for every branch before merging them into production branches. This way it has completely eliminated maintenance of the third-party tools to pickup and test, report the issues within the GitLab.

Do you think GitLab delivers good value for the price?


Are you happy with GitLab's feature set?


Did GitLab live up to sales and marketing promises?

I wasn't involved with the selection/purchase process

Did implementation of GitLab go as expected?

I wasn't involved with the implementation phase

Would you buy GitLab again?


GitLab is a recommendable product for open-source research and development teams and [is] well suited for software developers at scale. Additionally, the continuous integration and continuous delivery pipeline feature is adaptable for most of the use case deployment/testing infrastructure. Few native integrations are missing such as direct deployment to AWS, Azure which is painful to set up manual Jenkins.


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